Chapter 18

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"Why do we have to start going through this?" I mumbled to myself, wandering aimlessly through the KSI building's wide corridors. To get the details I wanted, I needed to find a computer, or some kind of mainframe access. And so far no computer or laptop has been in sight. I had gone through a small science lab and grabbed a clean white lab coat quickly, wrapping it around my body before continuing my journey. Men and women in bio-suits and lab coats working around the laboratory carrying notepads and wearing masks.

"What is it they are working on?" I wondered.

"What are they hiding?" As I continued to work through this labyrinth of laboratories, trying not to attract unnecessary attention to myself, I tapped my earpiece and waited for Optimus, and when I finally heard his voice, I smiled.

"Lily, what did you figure out?" he asked as I stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button.

"I'm taking the elevator to the basement and hopefully I'll find something there," I responded.

"Whatever the humans are planning Lockdown is most likely involved," I added, before turning off the earpiece and I rubbed my eyes with a heavy sigh. I jerked up my head as the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened.

I stepped off the elevator as I walked into an almost empty corridor and groaned in frustration only to freeze in surprise. At the center of the corridor stood Joshua Joyce, and an Attinger.

"What about the deal, then?" Joshua asked, going after Attinger.

"Do you have you the Seed?"

The Seed? What the hell is that?

"We get it when my assents have Prime," Attinger responded in a low tone. My blood was cold when Optimus was listed, and all of a sudden my mind was full of millions of questions that needed to be answered.

What's The Seed? Why do they need it?

Suddenly, my questions were quickly answered. My mind raced back to the night Optimus and I were leaving Chicago, and the dark grey, nearly black Lamborghini Aventador had chased us that night.

How could I not know? Of course the robot who was sent to kill Optimus and I two years ago was Lockdown. That's who this bounty hunter was, and he wouldn't give anything to Joshua until he had Optimus in his hand.

"There has been a ... Mild complication." Attinger said, both of them completely unaware that I was listening in.

"A what?" I heard Joshua ask, before sarcastically laughing all of a sudden.

"No no no, we are not using words like that at KSI."

"A civilian harboring the Autobots has hacked into one of your mini-drones, which means they may know about your involvement," Attinger said, causing my body to freeze once again.

How did this monster learn about his drone being hacked so quickly?

Under my breath I swore, shaking my head with rage.

"What?" I heard Joshua crack, his voice increasingly loud.

"Cade Yeager, Lillian Lawrence, and Samuel Witwicky are all concerned with those aliens who want to kill us all." Attinger concluded.

"I met Lawrence before she put up a hell of a fight, and she's Prime's pet. The alien has a sick infatuation with the woman, disgusting."

He didn't seem to be too worried about Tessa and Shane, it was just the three of us. Silence fell for a while across the wide corridor, as I could hear somebody's feet shuffling nervously and impatiently. If he thinks we're giving up that easily both of these men had another thing coming, my hands balled into fists.

EDITING- Her Strength, His Rage (Book 4) (Age Of Extinction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang