Chapter 7

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I woke up happy, and thoroughly rested early the next morning. I sit up and stretch my tired limbs in the cabin, but I frowned when I couldn't see Optimus. However, my frown disappeared when I heard he told me that because he was badly injured, he couldn't keep it for very long. I opened the door and jumped out of the cabin with a smile to dust off my pyjama pants. I walked across the yard to the house. The door swings open exposing Cade standing in the drinking cup of coffee in the doorway.

"Breakfast is on the table. Could you wake up Tessa by the way when you go upstairs?" Cade says to me. "Of course," I replied.

I walk down the corridor that leads to Tessa' bedroom. I knocked four times and didn't get any reaction. For the fifth time, I figured I wanted to knock again and this time I actually got an answer.

"Tessa! Your father said wake up. It's breakfast!"

There's a moment's pause when I heard the bed creaking from inside the room. A jar opens the door, and a tired-looking Tessa peeks out her eyes.

"Tell dad, just give me ten more minutes. Okay?" she yawned. I nod my head and went to my own room down the hall and got ready for the day. I showered quickly and brush my teeth and hair, you probably wonder why, aren't you? Ok, I need to be in the barn to see my Optimus.

With my stomach growling I went into the kitchen. "Is Tessa awake?" asked Cade, before he took another drink of his coffee. I sat at the kitchen table digging into food like I haven't been eating in years. After breakfast, Cade and I decided to go out on Optimus to do some more repair.

He transformed as soon as he noticed us coming in and I greet him with a smile and 'good morning' Just after we had finished our salutations, the sound of a car pulling up outside the barn caused me to freeze on contact. Upon signing in relief, I was happy that it was idiotic Lucas who was just driving up the driveway.

"I'm back!" I heard him shout when I heard the sound of the closing of a car door. "Took you long enough!" Tessa irritated. Climbing down the metal ladder I huffed loudly. "I had to go to the hospital! That stupid truck made me look like a freaky Star Trek character! Thanks to the damn alien!" Yelled Lucas, from outside the barn, holding a big black duffle bag and I wondered what was inside.

"Have, all the crap that you asked for." He said, tossing it down onto the table that Cade had put next to Optimus' large ped.

"What's your problem!?" I hissed, cracking my fists ready to turn Lucas' face into my own personal punching bag. Lucas rolled his eyes at me. "Hey! Alien! Control your girlfriend!" spat Lucas. Optimus stood on one knee in the face of Lucas and he backed away. I grinned as the jackass gulped afraid at Optimus' brightened optics.

"Want more than just a bruise?" he asked.

"Okay! Okay! You don't have to murder me!" squealed Lucas, heading over to the other side of the barn and far away from Optimus and I, he collapsed in a worm out brown recliner. In an effort not to make Lucas black and blue, I rolled my eyes in aggravation, and stomped over to Optimus.

"You're fortunate Lucas or I would caused damaged...."

"You'd have what? Sick your big ass bodyguard on me?" Lucas taunted, trying to piss me off even more. He wouldn't have any idea that he was playing with fire and he was in for one hell of a fight. I was about to storm at him, but with his hand, Optimus stops me.

"I don't need Optimus to fight my battles! I could easily render you myself black and blue!" I screamed, trying to get out of the big hands of Optimus but he keeps shielding me. "Word of warning....." I heard a whisper from both Cade, watching from the corner of my eye as both looked at Lucas.

EDITING- Her Strength, His Rage (Book 4) (Age Of Extinction)Where stories live. Discover now