Spending Time With Kaede

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Another deserved chapter after my surgery. Man sinus surgery sucks but it's to help not get sinus infections do much. I can't even sneeze the my nose or rip my insides of my nose so I have to sneeze with my mouth open.
I have to wash my nose out 3-4 times daily and take antibiotics, steroids, and painkillers that dope me the hell up.
But it will take 8 weeks of this to heal.
Wish me luck on it.

While I was awake today I did a chapter and I'm working on the next one now since I can't sleep tonight.

Here you guys go.


Waking to the morning sun hitting the fur on my tail, my tail that I'm resting my head on, and also hugging it to my body was bliss, except for I wasn't sleeping in my bed, but outside in the world I wished to come to.
Everyone was busying themselves with chores, as I slowly sit up and groggily rub my eyes.
Kagome walked over to me, holding a cloth bag, and I already knew what was inside, which was rice balls, and immediately I nod my thanks to her, and dug in, as she watched me eat.
As I eat, Kagome began telling me how she met Inuyasha and her friends, and even defeating their arch enemy Naraku, which I already knew of, but acted like I didn't know, only listening to her story, as I ate about thirty rice balls she made just for me, eating them all up in just five minutes.

After I was done eating she was done talking.
"You have been through alot in this time. I never imagined demons existing for real. Back home only shifters, werewolves and vampires exist, along with humans, including witches. The most famous family is The Originals, who are the first vampire family, who has a sibling who is the original hybrid Klaus. He's famously cruel. Dad especially kept me hidden when Klaus ever came near Crystal Falls.
Fearing I'd be Klaus' mate.
But I'm not his mate thank gawd.
Omegas who are male can get pregnant by other male wolves, and in the gay werewolf community are very coveted as desirable mates for gay werewolves.
Being an Omega male werewolf can be a curse.
But recently my folks took me to a Were Doctor in our pack, noticing my heats came in, and noticed my heats were different.
The Were Doctor did tests on me, finding out the reason my heats are weird, is because I'm not fertile for to become pregnant like a normal male Omega, which this gene occurs on Dad's side, and Mom and Dad were devestated, since they hoped when I find my mate I could start a family of my own, sadly now if I find my mate concieving is impossible.
I was torn by the news and still to this day I am."
I tell Kagome my tragic story.

"That's so sad.
I'm sorry Raku.
But does that mean you are gay?"
Kagome asked me, and I nod to her.
"I'll keep your secret here, gay men are looked down upon by certain humans here, seeing it sin to be gay, so we need to keep it secret okay. These times are different than yours where society accepts gays."
Kagome rubbed my back.

I nod in agreement, and she stood up, saying.
"Well, Inuyasha and I are leaving for a hunting mission, so Kaede will keep an eye on you for us, knowing you don't know much about the outside world."

I wave to her, watching her go, and pull out my phone, looking down at it, unlocking it with my passcode, seeing only my music was on my phone, no contacts or pictures, and it stayed charged at 100% no matter what.
I sigh, plugging my earbuds into my phone, and began listening to music, laying on my side, and my eyes closed, my head resting on my fluffy tail, me breathing evenly and deeply, as I enjoyed my Dadaroma playlist.
The whole time I was listening to my Dadaroma playlist, I felt eyes not the children's nor the villager's watching me, and his scent hit my nose again, making my body feel on edge.
What I mean by his scent was Sesshomaru's scent.
I breathe in and out evenly and slow, until a hand went to my shoulder, and I sit up, seeing Kaede look at me worried.
So I unplug my earbuds and turn my music off, taking em out of my ears.

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