Ch 18. Mommy's Tired

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"Why do you keep looking at your phone? Is everything alright, Sars?" I asked.

"Yep, yep. You were saying?"

Sarah definitely looked distracted. We were at my house, I, Sarah and Sal, discussing about Vanessa's whispers over the phone to some mysterious person. Sal assured me that it wasn't anyone from their group as he was with them when Vanessa entered the washroom. And even if it was one of their group members, then why would she talk on phone with them when they all were in school with her.


There went Sarah's phone again and I'm sure she jumped a bit. She typed something furiously, her eyebrows furrowed. I and Sal  both waited for her to be done with the text and once she was done she looked up at us with wide eyes, clearly distracted by the ongoing inflow of messages she was receiving.

"Okay, what's up? You're clearly not with us right now," I tried again.

Sarah made that face. The face that she always makes when she has done something that she's realizing now was a big mistake.

"You're going to be so mad at me," Sarah's voice was so tiny I could barely makeout what she had just said.

"What did you do?" Sal was getting impatient now.

"I told Mrs. Chamberlain."

"Told what?" I asked.

Sarah gave out a huge sigh, "That you saw Hannah at the dance."

"What! Sarah!" I shrieked and Sarah jumped again.

"Why would you do that?" Sal asked.

"I don't know. She'd called me to ask if I'd found out anything. I was not going to tell her anything but then she started crying, telling me how their family was falling apart," Sarah's eyes filled with tears, "She said Kevin isn't concentrating on school anymore, she and Hannah's dad are always fighting, blaming each other for Hannah's disappearance. So I started consoling her and it just came out of my mouth, the fact that you'd seen her."

"Oh, Sars. I'd said I think I saw her. Is it Hannah's mom who's been texting you?"


"When did you tell her? Why hasn't she called or texted me?" If I was the one who'd seen Hannah. Well, seen a girl who looked so much like Hannah or maybe just hallucinated, then why wasn't Mrs. Chamberlain calling me?

"I went home after school to check up on Mom. That's when she called. And," Sarah looked sheepishly at me before saying the next sentence, "she didn't call or text you because I switched off your phone when I came into your bedroom when you were in the washroom."

"Oh God, Sarah. This is just not done!" I was annoyed now, "You cant just go on telling people that I saw her. Something that I myself am not sure of. And telling her mom of all the people? That lady is already going through so much. We shouldn't be giving her false hopes."

"I'm sorry," Sarah was now really crying, tears rolling down her cheeks and landing on her ripped jeans where she kept fidgeting with the loose threads of the ripped part, "I know I shouldn't have told her. I'm really, really sorry."

"I think you two should go at Hannah's place and talk with her mom," Sal said.

"Yeah, you're right." I stood up and went to switch on my phone which was lying on my desk near my laptop.

Sarah went inside the washroom and I heard the tap running. She was washing her face and blowing her nose. After Sal and Sarah had arrived at my house, I had told them about Vanessa's call in the school washroom.

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