Ch 9. Wait, What?

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Just to make sure that I had read it right, I scrolled up and started reading the chat again.

Did u tell anything to Amelia?!

No! Are u crazy! Why would I say anything?

I dont know. I feel as if she knows something.

How on earth can she know about it?

Maybe she saw us or maybe someone else saw and told her.

There was no one there. And look if she confronts me I'm gonna be honest and tell her tht I was drunk.

No! Don't u fucking dare tell her anything. We aren't sure if she saw us kissing or not.

I stopped and read that line again. Hannah kissing Aaron? Hannah kissing Amelia's boyfriend, Aaron? When? And why? What about Sal?

It will be worse if she finds out through someone else.

She should NOT find out! Not through us. Not through anyone else. She'll ruin our lives if she does.

But what if she already knows?

I hope she doesn't. And if I come to know that u told her Hannah then u are the one who's gonna have to pay! Just fucking remember that.

Okay, I needed a minute to process that in my brain. One thing was clear through this chat: Hannah and Aaron had ended up kissing eachother while they were drunk somewhere and they didn't want Amelia to find out about it. When did this happen? I had no idea. Amelia would surely ruin their both's lives if she came to know. But to what extent? That I didn't know either. What if she had known and was therefore trying to mess with Hannah. Maybe this was the reason why Hannah ran away.

Now I was sure that Amelia had done something but then there was what Aaron had said, "You are the one who's gonna have to pay." What did he mean by that? Had Hannah herself confessed to Amelia making Aaron angry? Had he done something to make Hannah run away? But by the look of it, everything seemed pretty normal between Amelia and Aaron right now. So did this chat mean anything at all or not?

Oh. My. God. I felt as if my head was about to explode. First that cryptic remark from Vanessa and now this totally unexpected chat. I'd had enough for one day. I switched off my phone and threw it on my bed. Massaging my forehead with my fingers, I lay back on my bed. I was in no mood to study so I decided to go to sleep. I would tell Sarah about the chat tomorrow in school and then we would figure something out. But as for now, I needed my precious sleep.


Hey, where r u?

At home. Feeling sick :(

Is it bad?

Cold and headache. I'll b fine by tomorrow.

Ok. Take care hun.

As Sarah was not in school, I decided to spend the lunch break in the library to catch up on the study time that I had been missing lately. I was about to turn and leave the cafeteria when someone called my name. I turned around and saw that it was Sal standing with a bottle of Gatorade in his hand.

"Hey, Sal," I gave him a faint smile.

"Hey, any news on Hannah?" This was the first time I was ever talking to Sal. I had never heard his voice properly before. He had always been the quiet one in Amelia's group.

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