Ch 5. The Other Girl

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Okay, so last night Hannah never called me back. This means one of the two things happened- Amelia did not tell Hannah that I had called or she did tell her but Hannah decided to ignore it. But I know for sure that Hannah would never do that so I decided to go with the first one. I also had no idea if Amelia was at Hannah's house or Hannah at Amelia's. Did it matter?

"She didn't even reply to your message?" Sarah asked.

We were standing near our lockers and I was narrating to her what had happened the previous night.


"Did you see those photos on Instagram? From Aaron's birthday party?"

"Yeah," I sighed, "I don't think she wants to hang out with us anymore, Sars."

"Oh come on, Rach. Now you are just being paranoid. She's OUR bestfriend, remember?"

"Maybe she feels that they are more fun than us. I mean, she said it herself yesterday that all we three have done for the past three years of our highschool is get good grades and be the good girls. So why wouldn't she prefer them over us?"

"I think that you are thinking too much into this. Trust me, she will soon realise how plastic they all are and come running back to us shouting, 'Rachel! Sarah! Save me from these wannabe Barbies and Ken dolls.'"

I chuckled and shook my head because I wasn't sure if that would happen anymore.

Whole day I tried to spot Hannah but she was no where to be seen. Today we didn't have our Literature period in which all three of us are together, so I wasn't sure if she had come to school or not. During lunch break I saw Sal and Vanessa so I went up to ask them if they had seen her by chance.

"I don't know, she must be with Amelia somewhere," Vanessa replied flatly.

"Okay." What else was I supposed to say?

Sal gave me a tight smile and they both went on their way.

It was at the end of the day that I finally saw her with Amelia, ofcourse, in the school's parking lot. I and Sarah were walking towards our cars and she was standing with Amelia, Aaron and Kyle near Aaron's car.

"Let's go talk to her," Sarah said and went in their direction before I could say anything. So I followed her.

Hannah was laughing at something Aaron had said but her expression changed instantly when she saw us approaching. Her smile disappeared and she looked at us wide eyed.

"Hannah, we need to talk," Sarah's tone was firm.

"Yeah?" Hannah asked in a little voice.

"Spare a few minutes for us and come aside?"

"Um..." She looked at Amelia as if asking for her permission. Amelia just rolled her eyes in response. What the hell was going on?

"Hannah, will you jus-" I was cut off by Amelia.

"Look Sal and Vanessa are here. Rachel, whatever it is, it can wait. Right now we have to be somewhere, okay?" She said and turned to get inside the car.

"I'll call you," Hannah said making an apologetic face and got into the car with others and left.

"Okay," I said, "what the hell just happened over here?"

"You know what, you were right before. She really does prefer them now, Rach. And that's just the bitter truth." Sarah said glaring at the direction of their car.

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