Ch 13. I Am Right Here

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As I promised, here's the mini bonus chapter for you guys. The story reached 500+ reads! Thankyou to all who have supported and I hope will continue to support.

Read, VOTE, Comment and Enjoy!


Hannah's POV

The last day when Rachel saw Hannah.

"Hannah, we gotta go. I've got a little after party planned at my house so..." Rachel trailed off.

I waited and thought that she would invite me too. But I knew it was just a false hope. We had grown apart during these past few weeks. I had never wanted any of this to happen. But she had forced me.

"Yeah okay. Have fun," I said with a forced smile and turned and walked away. It felt as if someone was trying to rip my heart off. It had always been us three. When did I become the outsider? It was all my fault. Though she had been the one to force me to stay away from my bestfriends, I could have stood up for myself. But no. I chose to be a coward.

Not anymore. I couldn't let her control my life. I had to find out why she was  doing all this. There had to be some bigger reason. And I couldn't do it here, where she was constantly around me. At school, in my house. Everywhere I went, she was with me. And I'd had enough.

I had to do it tonight. I had to find answers.


It's been more than a week now and no has found me yet. I know I am safe here. The police must be looking in all  those little motels just outside the city, but of course I am not that stupid to run away and hide there just to be found within days.

My parents must be worried as hell. I can't imagine what they must be going through. Especially my mom. Yeah, they irritate the crap out of me at times and are more strict than the average parents should be, but I still  love them. And that little devil of a brother that I have, yes I love him too. But I need to stay away for some more time. I still don't have all the answers that I need.

At times I feel that I should have just told everything to Rachel and Sarah. They would have understood. Now it's too late though. I wonder if they are equally worried as my parents.

If I would have told them that she was manipulating me into staying away from them, they would have probably laughed at first thinking that the great manipulator is getting manipulated. But if she came to know that I had told them, then she would surely rat me out to my parents, telling them about my low grades, binge boozing and smoking. I could not afford that to happen. My parents always saw me as the good girl with a smart mouth. Nothing more than that.

The Homecoming Dance is in two days. God, I am going to miss that too! If things would have been the way they were before I met Amelia and her group then we three would have been doing dress shopping together. Rachel wasn't a fan of shopping but I and Sarah always dragged her along after bribing her with doughnuts. I missed them so much.

Can I take a risk? Should I go back and tell them everything? What if someone sees me before I get to them? I can't even imagine the chaos that will erupt. They'll call my parents and I'm 210% sure that I'll be grounded for life! Hell, I'm even sure that they will send me to some kind of discipline school far away from here.

Maybe I could go and leave some kind of message for Rachel and Sarah telling them that I was okay.

I searched through my little duffel bag until I found my black hoodie. There weren't much clothes as I had packed in a hurry and I wasn't going to spend any money on buying new ones as I needed all the money to keep my stomach satisfied.

I also pulled out a black jeans and kept it aside. Yep, this is what I am going to wear when I go to school. Now, I had to think about what kind of message to leave and where exactly to leave it so that no one else could see it but only them.

The answer came instantly to my mind.

Their lockers!


I made my way down the empty hallway pulling the hood of my jacket down, trying to cover my face in case someone decided to use the washroom or something like that.

As I was about to reach their lockers with the letters in my hand, I heard footsteps coming from behind. Shit!

I ran towards my left and reached the basketball court door. Music was blaring from inside and the footsteps were getting closer. I decided to go in as I knew it would be dark inside.

Stepping in, I quickly went towards the bleachers and hid between one of them. I peaked my head and scanned the dance floor and instantly spotted Rachel, slow dancing with some guy– wait a sec. It wasn't some guy. It was Sal. What the hell! They were looking in eachother's eyes and smiling! It felt like a kick in the gut. Why would she come to the Dance with Sal? My vision was blurred as tears were forming in my eyes.

Involuntarily the two letters got crumpled in my hand and I got up to leave. The hood fell off from my head but I didn't bother putting it back up. Giving them one last glance, I turned around and left the gym.

Almost reaching the building's exit, I saw a tall guy talking on the phone with his back to me. I halted in my tracks, praying that he would leave through the door. He looked pretty familiar. Is that....?

Yes, I was right. The tall guy turned on his foot, still talking on the phone.

I had no where to hide and I was sure Aaron would see me now.

Haha, I just love writing cliffhangers. So now you know that it really was Hannah.

Did you like her POV? Let me know if I should write more of her POVs?

This chapter was fun to write as I got a break from Rachel.

Pretty please don't forget to VOTE if you liked it.

Love :)


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