Chapter 64 - Our perfect home

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"While you were asleep. The way Leon talked to me and you ... it helped me process things a bit", Michael told me. "For one, the nightmares stopped."

I got up to hug him. He really hadn't had them since we had returned from Gordes.

"Oh Michael!"

"I still think about him. I still mourn for him. But at least I know he's resting and that I fulfilled my promises to him", he hugged me back. With a shaky breath he said: "I had done everything I could."

"And you weren't to blame for his death", I pressed.

"I really wasn't?", Michael mumbled unsure.

"You weren't and he knows that. Everybody knows that."

Michael didn't protest. I nearly cried in relief.

We were finally moving forward.

Finally there was a glint of hope for his well-being.

"Still sore?", Michael's voice brought me back to the present.

I snapped out of my trance and nodded. The piercings were still quite sensitive.

Michael had turned out to be quite patient when it came to my piercings. He had chosen them and asked for my approval. Rose-gold coloured, my favourite colour, for all three piercings. Up top he eyed the simple nipple barbells, which were vertically pierced, and for down there, a ring with a stone on it.

The grin he bore afterwards as he checked them out was almost picture worthy. But then his face grew worried. "That's ... quite red and swollen." He sounded unsure and moved up to my face to see if I was alright.

"It needs a few weeks to heal", the piercing lady told us. Her nickname was Candy and she had first pierced me all those years ago, but I had come by often to choose different styles from her shop, so she had remembered me fairly well. Candy had gotten that name for her cotton candy dyed hair. "I would say at least two weeks no sex, but even then I would check with the doc to see if she's clear."

"Can I do anything to ease the pain?", Michael sounded frantic while I got myself dressed. No protests from his side, which was reassuring.

Candy turned to me, rolling her brown eyes. "It's always the male partners who worry more about the piercings. Sure, she'll be sore for a bit and quite sensitive too, but nothing for you to worry your head off."

Michael still took that as hands off from anywhere near that. And he held that claim religiously.

His hand brushed up and down my back, as if I was made out of glass.

"If you are this worried now, I can't imagine you during birth", I told him honestly. I nudged him. "Will you be even able to touch me once we have the green light?"

"I hope so", Michael avoided my chest area, anywhere near belt line even my butt, as if that hurt me and brushed my cheeks. "You didn't let out a peep."

"I have a good tolerance when it comes to pain."

Michael nodded. He knew from the time I had been beaten up, I hadn't complained much that time.

"Enough about the piercings - what do you think of this house?", he inquired to know.

"It's ... better", I stated, looking around. "Though the tiles are hideous."

The past few houses that had stuck out to me were only a handful. One had been priced at 1.5 Million $, was stylish and bright.  The house had been modern looking with an open floor plan, just like we had wished, and had been located in a private setting that overlooked the Rippowam River. Most of the rooms had been updated, and the house had offered a screen porch and deck too. The 20 feat window and cathedral ceiling had been a dream - but sadly the house had only enough space for the two of us and didn't provide for the future we had in mind.

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