Chapter 24: Berries•

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Rosa's Pov

I carried the berries Zorua had brought me in the bag she probably found and stuffed them into my book bag. I know she was trying to help, and showing the berry would had been useful the first time. It's greatly appreciated that she went out to find so many kinds of berries, but they don't come close to a Lum Berry.

I woke up in my bedroom this morning, late for school. I have no idea how I got there when I was so sleepy, but it was probably because I was so tired that I don't remember anything but wanting to get into my bed.

Because of the lack of sleep, I slept over my alarm and was late for my homeroom class. I was lucky to have got there on time when Bianca called my name. I wasn't in trouble, and in my time of desperation, I asked the class and so many people to help me find that berry.

I later ran into Nate when Zorua left the library. He said the words that made so much sense to me, and even if I didn't know why he'd care to say something like that, I was so happy to hear it...

My heart had softened and my entire body relaxed when seeing him look at me like old times. He'd blush and give me advice on so many things that a fatherly figure never told me. Nate has been the male figure of my childhood since I didn't grow up with a dad, and I cherished him so much because he was so smart and protective... Hearing him say those words made me so happy...

I didn't want to get too comfortable with just simple words. Nate is a friendly person and because he was so friendly to everyone else, simple words of advice was given. It meant nothing too serious. He caught my desperation and warned me to not overdo it, or else I'll be taken advantage of. I was so dedicated to find my answers that I forgot about myself...

The entire school day had been a drag. Not one person had informed me of anyone who would know about the berry. Instead of moping at home and pushing myself to do more research than I already have, I went to the hospital to go check up on Zoroark and Zorua, seeing if Zorua is there after that surprise in the library.

Alder had gave me the room they were staying in, so I went up the elevator to visit them. Zoroark was in the form of a human in bed! While Zorua was nowhere to be found.

"Wait a minute..." I frowned at Zoroark staring at me "Why are you still in human form? They can't help you properly if they're giving you human injections. It'll do nothing for you!"

"I will not risk them knowing my true form..." he said in a male voice. I knew Zoroarks are capable of human speech when they're in human forms, unlike Zorua who can't speak, from what I read.

"So you're a father, not a mother" I walked up to him "I was certain you were a mom with so many pups around you"

"They slept in my mane. That is where they sleep until they mature" I nodded.

"Yes. I've read about that. Your kind is very territorial and use illusions to cast away others from hurting the ones around you. It seeks to my attention that you're not using an illusion, nor were you making one when we found you" paralyzed Pokémon can't use their powers, but I would guess he can do something if he was able to transform "Nevermind. One of my questions is why you listened to Zorua convince you to come with me, yet you refuse to reveal your form in the place that can help you. A simple paralyze heal doesn't work, so they'll have to go through extreme measures" he snorted.

"I trusted my pup, but I didn't expect you to take me here" I frowned.

"I'm sorry... I should had just rescued you from the thrones. That would had been more comfortable since you would be with your pups, who are being taken care of by someone I trust. Don't you worry" I looked down "But I can't be home all the time. That's the problem. I'm looking into where I can find the last ingredient to help you"

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