Chapter 3: Library*

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Rosa's Pov

The lunch time bell rang for everyone to leave their classrooms and tell them to go get lunch. Instead of going into the cafeteria like a normal student, I went straight to the library to help the librarian put away some books.

"Rosa, aren't you going to eat?" The librarian asked me while picking up some books.

"No, not really" I said while studying the book spine to know where to set it later.

"You should really eat. You're a growing girl" I set down the books and smiled at her.

"I'm fine. I'm not really that hungry" I started putting the books away in the library like I always do every time I'm in here. It's always a lot better than being in a room filled with students who may want to talk to me. I much rather be in the quiet, but speaking of quiet... who's making so much noise?

"Huh?" I looked at the entrance confused, seeing a group of boys with Nate in front of them, laughing up a storm.

"Did he wet his pants when you did that?" Brandon asked. Nate laughed as well, causing my heart to doki when seeing him smile.

"He almost did, but he kept saying sorry" I watched him and his friends come closer to the library desk as I detected his lies "I wasn't going to let him ruin my chance in graduating! What do I look like failing?" The group reached the front desk. The Liberian was too busy to pay attention to them, so she signaled me to take care of it. I gulped and made my way to greet everyone.

"Hey guys!" I smiled, waving. Nate looked at me and froze while his friend Calem took his book from his hand and handed it to me. I tried my best to ignore Nate staring at my cheek, knowing exactly what he was looking at.

"He wants to return this book" Calem said for him.

"Yeah! So that he can graduate with us!" Brandon smiled "Funny story, actually!" He leaned on the desk "he let some nerd borrow his school I.D so the nerd can take a extra book. Nate here had to hunt him down for it!" I sweat dropped, keeping the smile on my face.

"Oh my, I hope it wasn't too serious" I took the book "Books can really do great things. I wouldn't blame this student to want an extra book. You're so kind to let him borrow it" I smiled at Nate. Nate frowned and looked away, making his friends look at him. I bit my lips a bit nervously and bowed my head "Thank you for taking your time from your lunch break to return this book. I hope there won't be any more complications"

"Y-Yeah..." him and his friends remained there, questioning why he was being quiet. I frowned at myself, knowing he didn't want to see me, and turned away.

"Hey" Hugh called. I looked at him confused "What happened to your cheek?" I touched my cheek at the cut I had on it.

"Oh!" I chuckled "I work for a grooming salon, so a Pokémon scratched me pretty badly"

"You should really cover it up" I nodded, agreeing.

"Nobody is usually in the library at this time, so I figured to let it breath" I rubbed the back of my head embarrassed and covered my cheek with the book "I'm sorry!" The boys just smiled at me while Nate continued looking away.

"You should really be more careful" Brandon said "Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to get ruined" I giggled.

"Am I actually pretty?" I felt myself shaking, but kept my cool as much as I could.

"Of course you are! You're one of the prettiest girls in this school" Brandon smiled, leaning on the counter. I stared at the floor, trying not to say the wrong thing.

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