Guardian Profile

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Name: Y/N L/N

Guardian Class: Hunter

File: Probably one of the better, if not best, guardians out there. He has learned how to use all of his subclasses at once, and has learned how to use more powerful supers before the other guardians, so he's been limited in the Crucible to using one at a time and has also been limited to using the 3 classic supers available to him, being Golden Gun, Shadowshot and his Arc Blade/staff. He has eliminated a lot of threats to The Last City, such as the Psion Flayer brothers, The Black Heart, Skolas, Crota, Oryx and more.

Likes: People, killing creatures of the darkness, being reckless, PvP, his music, Most weapons that can be accurate, Exotics (of course).

Dislikes: Exploding creatures like the Cursed Thrall, getting swarmed (though he can get out of swarms, he just finds it annoying), easy missions, Bullet Hose auto rifles in the crucible, bullies.


All FWC except for Boots and Cloak

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All FWC except for Boots and Cloak

Boots, known as the FR0ST EE5 or Frosties

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Boots, known as the FR0ST EE5 or Frosties. These reduce your cooldown whilst sprinting.

 These reduce your cooldown whilst sprinting

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Your cloak, the Solar Flayer Mantle. A lot of threads of Solar Light woven into a special cloak and taken off of a Psion Flayer when you killed it... this also increases the damage of your solar abilities when active. (this isn't a real perk, I just might as well change it up a small bit, because it took me a while to actually pick this up in game)

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