17. Virgil

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Once again I was early. You'd think on these days I would be late and only really ever show up at high stress... you'd be wrong. I only ever acted that way for the videos. Instead, I actually stress out about everything. Typical really... I just can't sit back and relax. Thomas could end up sleeping in too late. He could miss breakfast. He could make breakfast but choke. He could make himself some oatmeal but leave the stove on causing a fire that he couldn't escape from and DIE! NOPE! Better to be safe than sorry. 

So that's how I found myself once again sitting alone with him at the table making sure he doesn't start choking on his toast and eggs. It was a quiet morning. I was lost in my thoughts thinking about last night. To be honest as much as I would love to say I was thinking about Roe and how he seemed so sad... and I was... I was thinking about Roman more. 

This was the second party he had been missing from. I was worried. He wasn't acting at all like himself. He wasn't boasting about how perfect he was. He wasn't constantly singing Disney until the very thought made your ears bleed. He wasn't smiling as if the whole world would shine in response to his happiness... he wasn't... He just wasn't Princey. It worried me more than I would care to admit. I care a lot about Roman. Even if he is a pompous prince of overly dramatic Disney perfection. He was caring... just not to me.

I don't want anything to happen to any of the sides. The very thought of one of them getting hurt or ill or... it makes me sick. I'd have a nightmare of it. Of Patton getting hurt... Of Logan getting sick... Of Roman... Well, I had a really bad one the other day about Roman forgetting me entirely. 

And I don't mean forgetting me and the fact that he hates me... no. I mean he forgot me completely. He forgot who I was. What I did... He forgot all the names he would call me. He forgot who I was to Thomas. He forgot EVERYTHING! He wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't acknowledge my presence at all. All he ever called me was Kid, and that was if he HAD to talk to me. He didn't even see me as a side. It scared the shit out of me.

And then there was Roe...

"Anxiety, is everything alright?" I looked up at Thomas as his voice pulled me from my thoughts and I just smirked.

"Is anything ever actually alright? Or are we just deluding ourselves with a sense of false security until the inevitable anvil drops on our heads?" Thomas gulped in awkward anxiety, causing himself to choke slightly. "Drink!" He grabbed his cup downing it so fast I frowned. "Chew your food, Thomas. You're not a snake. You have teeth. Use them."

"Anxiety..." His coughing was getting worse so I got up and started to pat his back. I hadn't meant to cause this. I wanted to avoid this. Whatever... what's done is done. When he was finally done coughing I sat back down only to see him giving me this look. "Talk to me."

"What's there to say, Thomas? Things are never ok. Haven't I taught you any yet?" He shot me this look and I sighed. Yeah, I knew what he meant. "I'm just worried."

"Worried about what?" I laughed a bit as I looked up to see Thomas giving me this look. "Anxiety, I'm serious, Bud. Talk to me."

"There isn't much to say. Ok? Can we drop it?" He shook his head making my nerves shoot up and I frowned hugging my hoodie closer to myself. "Fine... I'm just... I am worried about someone. I don't want to talk about it." Not with you anyway... You'll just judge me and say I'm weird. Thomas sighed as he pushed a muffin over towards me. I didn't take it but the thought was nice.

"So who is it?" I narrowed my eyes as I just stared at the muffin. I don't want to talk to him about it. I don't want to talk to anyone but... But Roe... He's the only one I know for certain won't judge me. He hasn't yet anyway. I just... I don't know what to do.

"I told you. I don't want to..."

"Good morning." I groaned slinking down further into my chair as the new voice popped up. 

"Good morning, Pa... Roman?" I looked up in shock to see Princey standing there looking a bit disheveled. His hair was messily sticking out of a plain red hoodie. He had grey shorts on than I have never actually seen him wear before but what got me was the slight darkness under his eyes. "Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine. I see you're eating breakfast." It was like he was ignoring me. He never bothered to look over at me once. He didn't make a comment as to why I was here. Nothing... I started to worry.

"You sure you're Gucci, Romano?" Roman just smiled as he stared down at the table. 

"I am a Prince, V... Anxiety. Of course, I'm Gucci." His eyes told a different story though. I sighed quickly getting up to leave. "W-Where are you g-going?"

"Leaving. You're here so why do I need to be?" His eyes glittered with anxiety causing me to freeze up. "Unless... you aren't ok." He looked away and even Thomas was starting to look concerned. "It's ok to not be ok, Roman."

"And what would you know about it Anxiety. You only cause the issues." And that's my cue to leave.

"See ya." I stuffed my hands in my pockets and sunk down before Roman could say another word. This is pathetic. I could feel the tears starting to build as I walked over and locked my bedroom door. You're pinning for a man that hates you. I groaned as I collapsed on to the bed letting the tears fall as I hugged my pillow tight to my chest. What's the point in that?  You're just setting yourself up for failure.

*Discontinued* Masquerade~Haitus (Needs Rewritting)Where stories live. Discover now