Compared to yesterday's events, I thought today was going to be a good day. However, Zayn  opened the door to a very broken Jackie. His eyes widen with concern and as soon as she saw him, she ran into his arms and wrapped them around him, crying into his shoulder.
"I'm going to kill him." He said and it clicked for me right away, Adam.
Zayn helped her sit on the sofa, but she looked like a mess, bed hair, running mascara down her cheeks, shoes in hand and a purse barely hanging on her arm. I didn't say much and just sat beside her comforting her and handing her a cup of tea, I had made and she sipped it and then set it on the table. "If he comes looking for me, keep him as far away from me as possible, I don't want see him ever again." She said in a low and slow tone.
"What happened Jaqueline?" Zayn questioned.
"I don't want to talk about it." She shut him down.
"I spent a good portion of my life, preaching to everyone who listens that if they even so touch a strand of your hair on your head, I'd kill them. Jackie, you can't just call me crying hysterically, and not expect me to ask what happened?" Zayn presses for answers.
I cleared my throat. "Maybe we should give her some time." I suggested. "She doesn't look like she's in the mood to talk— " I advocated for her.
That's when Jackie broke down crying in her hands pushing strands of her hair back with her fingertips. My eyes widen, and Zayn paced back and forth in one place. "He's engaged? He has a fiancé?" Jackie blurted suddenly, it nearly coming out like a question because she didn't understand what was coming out of her own mouth either.
"What?" Zayn questioned not sure if he heard right and my eyes widened in disbelief.
"Some girl named Annalise. He's engaged to her, and he's supposed to be marrying her." She explained.
"How do you know?" Zayn questioned. "Adam engaged?" He repeated not sure if he was hearing correctly.
Everything was really raw and honest when it came to Zayn and Jackie, nothing was ever really filtered. Just raw conversation between the two, because the next thing that came out of her mouth, really took me by surprise. "I swear yes like ever other fucking asshole in this whole damn campus!" She cried. "Fuck him, I hate him!" She cried. "I never want to see him again!" She said almost angry. "I was so stupid, how stupid could I be? How could I actually believe some boarding school kid with no fucking sexual drive could possibly be some kind of clean slate for me?" She laughed sniffling trying to hold back her tears. "Like I'm stupid to think like that!"
"Ok first calm down, and explain to us what happened." Zayn eyes me before focusing his attention back to Jackie.
"Apparently his mom is in town, and she walked in on Adam and I naked under the damn sheets." She admitted. "She screamed at the top of her lungs, and next thing I knew the two of them were in a screaming match outside the bedroom, and I wasn't going to butt in, but then his mom said the words "Annalise, fiancé, and engaged and I couldn't help myself." She shrugged. "I walked out and demanded answers, and that's when she told me some girl named Annalise and him were supposed to get married." She cried.
"Like I said I'm going to kill him, he's going to hear it from me." Zayn grew defensive.
"I think we need to calm down and think about this rationally." I stood up from the sofa trying to get some sense into Zayn.
"I just want to sleep." Jackie whispered and lied on the sofa.
"Look at her baby." Zayn pointed at Jackie. "She's so fucking broken, I never seen her like this." He admits. I look over at Jackie who had passed out from crying on the sofa. I reached for the throw blanket and covered her with it. "I'm not saying I'm a fucking saint, but engaged to marry?" He exclaimed in a low whisper. "Jackie doesn't have anyone in this world, but me." He said priding himself in that. "He's gonna hear me." He said before he pecked my cheek and walked out of the door.
I sat down beside Jackie who was passed out asleep crying on the sofa. Zayn was right in a way, but I hoped he didn't kill him. Maybe in a different world where he didn't know Adam was his brother he would, but he knows that now. I don't think he'd actually kill him.
Maybe his older brother instincts will kick in and he'll tell him off. I looked down at Jackie, who looked like a torn mess, Jackie offered me a place to stay when Zayn and I were broken up, the least I could do is be there for her the way she was for me. Jackie had become someone dear to me, replacing the friendship I had with Lucy. Jackie had become my best friend.
Zayn's Point of View

I don't think I parked the car right in the lot, before I had made it to the door of my brother's flat. I gave one big knock that I'm sure if the neighbors could they'd step out into the hall to see who the hell was knocking on the door that hard. Just as I was about to knock once again, the door abruptly opened. "Jackie-" he said. "Zayn." He spoke.
I pushed him inside by his chest and he nearly tumbled over as I closed the door behind me. I looked around and I didn't see Lauren, his mother.
"I fucking told you if she showed up at my doorstep crying because of you, that I would kill you." I said angrily. "Engaged to marry? Are you fucking serious?" I said enraged.
He annoyingly sighed and rolled his eyes. "Zayn worry about your own problems."
My eyes widen at his words. "She is my fucking problem." He defended. "As much as you fucking hate it, I will always be there for her, I don't know if you'd noticed but Jackie isn't like other girls, she doesn't have that support system from a mum or a dad, siblings, a family— her parents are dead Adam." I reminded him. "If she is ever in trouble, I am responsible for her, I will always be." I stressed. "She's like a sister to me."
He scoffs. "Real poetic in a fucked-up way, considering your history together. She collects virginity cards like they're Pokémon cards." He spoke.
"Watch how you talk about her, I'm being so serious." I threatened. "Is this what this is about?" I unraveled. "Because Jackie fucked me a long time ago and now you finally got it in with her, and you're jealous?" I explain a scenario. "So, you wait to tell her until now you're an engaged man getting married to some girl named Annalise? For revenge? To hurt her?" I speak. "Or am I getting it all wrong?"
"I will remind you that she tried to stay away from you for as long as possible. You knew who she was, the baggage she carries, her and I's history, but you didn't care and still went perusing her." I defended. "You can't get mad at her, when she made it clear to you from the very beginning." I add.
He sighed frustrated pulling at the roots of his hair. "No, I love Jackie Zayn. I love her like I never loved anyone in my life." He stressed. "It was never my intention to have her find out like that, my mom just showed up her and ruined everything, I planned to tell her when the time was right."
"Before or after she fucked you?" I questioned.
"Before you or after you and Selena dated where you planning to tell her about you and Lucy?" He uno reversed.
"Hey, I'm not a damn saint, but I at least wasn't fucking promised to some girl for marriage!" I defend.
"If I could just talk to her- I can't lose her Zayn." He said with so much emotion he looked like he was going to cry. "You have to help me." He spoke.
Help him? Didn't know Jackie at all. Sad Jackie was one thing, angry Jackie was another, but sad and angry Jackie? The gates of hell had been opened.

 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»Where stories live. Discover now