10: See Through (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

I felt his hand hand stiffen at my side. "Have you changed your mind?"

How could he think that? I literally just told him that I loved him too, did I not? "No, of course not. But what's going to be different this time?"

He started to relax again. "Well, now I am sure that I love you. I already felt all these things before but I didn't know that it was love. The emotions were too much for me back then, and I was young. I got scared. Now I know that I love you. That's what's different."

It was reassuring to hear that. "When did you know?"

"That I loved you?" He seemed to think his answer through. "When Alex asked me to move in with him."

I was the reason they broke up? I didn't know how to feel about that. "Explain."

"It wasn't on that exact day. I mean, when he asked me to move in with him, the first thought I had was I was going to live with him and not you, and it didn't feel right to me. Then I thought about me telling you I was moving out, and it crushed me."

"Does Alex know?"

"Know what?"

"Why you said no?"

"I gave all sorts of excuses. It was too soon, I wasn't ready, etc. At the time I also believed my reasons. But I think Alex knew exactly why."


"I spent the next few months trying to figure out my feelings. The coffee runs kind of helped me. I missed walking with you to Starbucks, but I also loved seeing your smile when you thanked me for the coffee. And then I started doing all those sweet things. See how I'd feel about it, see how you'd react. I know that was selfish, experimenting like that. But I wanted to make sure of how I felt about you. Besides, I knew you'd analyze me. When you didn't do anything to stop me, that encouraged me to go on."

He's right. That was selfish. "So you knew I loved you, too?"

"I was hoping, but I wasn't sure."

"Now, are you sure?"

"Did you not mean it when you told me you loved me?"

I sensed the tension in his voice. "I did."

"Then I'm sure." Tension gone.

"But what about our friendship? We're taking a big risk, Scott." I hated myself for having so many doubts but it was the best time to lay it all out.

"I'm still your best friend. It's just that now, I'm also your boyfriend."

Boyfriend. I couldn't help but smile. I shifted in my seat and looked at him. "So we're best friends AND boyfriends?"

He also turned to face me. His smile was so wide. "We are."

"Making scomiche a real thing, huh?"


My heart was exploding and melting at the same time. "Thank you."

"For what?" His forehead wrinkled a bit.

"For getting over your fear."

"It was worth it, Mitch. You're worth it." His lips captured mine. Softly at first, though it didn't take long before it turned a little more passionate. My free hand traveled to his chest and I grabbed on to his shoulder as he slowly pushed me down the couch.

Then I felt the pizza getting squished. The very same pizza I put beside me before we started the talk. "Oh my god, eew."

"EEW?" Scott sounded offended.

"Not you! The pizza." I sat up."I better clean up."

"Oh." I got up but not before Scott planted another quick kiss on my lips. "Bad pizza!"

Talk about shitty moment spoiler.

I disappeared into my room. I was going to just change my top but I decided to take a shower. I didn't realize I spent almost an hour in there, alone with my thoughts. When I got out, I saw that the living room was all clean.

"Scott?" I called out.

"In here!" he yelled from his bedroom.

I walked over and opened the door, taking a peek inside. The room was dim, the only light coming from the bedside lamp. Scott was under the covers with his head sticking out.

"Get in here, Jennifer."

I traveled the short distance to his bed and then went under the covers with him. He was freshly showered. "You smell nice, Amanda."

"So do you. I bet you also taste nice."

If the room was brighter, Scott would've seen that my cheeks turned tomato red.

"Come closer."

I did until my face was an inch away from his and I could feel his warm breath against my cheeks. I expected the kiss that came next.

"Mmmm. Called it. You taste sweet."

"Do I? Maybe you got that wrong. Try again."

He obliged, lingering this time. "Spicy? Hot and spicy."

It was a fun game. "Are you sure?"

"Wait, last try."

And boy, did he try. Oh my god I am blushing just thinking about it. Let me put it this way: he EXPLORED my mouth with his tongue. Took his time exploring, too. That's the best description I can think of right now.

"Nope, you're sweet. Final answer." He said as he stifled a yawn.

"You've had a long day, Pumpkin. We both did. Go to sleep."

"I'm fiiiiiiine," he said, unable to suppress his yawn this time. His eyelids were starting to droop as well.

"Good night, Scottie. I love you."

"You'll stay here with me?"

I nodded.

"Okay. Good night, Mitchie. I love you, too." He gave me one last kiss on the lips.

In less than 5 minutes he was sleeping peacefully.

I, meanwhile, couldn't sleep. So many thoughts were running through my head.

I'm still scared. I don't think I'll ever be not scared. But I'm also excited. Happy. Relieved.

My chapter 2 with Scott is just starting, and heaven knows I will do anything to make it last this time around.

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