It took Harry and I quite a while for us to persuade her to take the letter. However after a while, Harry bribed her with lots of treats and she eventually stuck out her leg and allowed him to tie the letter to it.

"Just find him all right?" Harry says to her "Before the Dementors do."

I give her one big stroke down her spine and she boots appreciatively, she turns to Harry nips his finger, quite hard and flies out of one of the holes in the walls and off into the sunrise.


"That's a lie, Harry," Hermione says sharply, after Harry has just finished telling us what he wrote to Sirius about "You know you didn't imagine your scar hurting"

"Oh Harry if I knew that's what you wrote about I would never have let you post it!"

"So what?" Harry says "He's not going back to Azkaban because of me."

"But you just have him false hope, Harry! You made him thi-" I begin

"Just drop it." Ron says, scooping cornflakes into his mouth, dropping milk onto the table.

Hermione opened her mouth to argue but then shut it again, falling silent.


Over the next few weeks, I could tell that Harry was a lot more anxious than he usually was. When the post came every morning, his body would tense up and then relax when he didn't see a sign of Hedwig's white feathers. He'd also been a lot quieter than normal, not as full of energy.

Classes on the other hand, especially Defence Against The Dark Arts, were getting much more difficult as the days went on.

One afternoon, much to the Gryffindor's surprise, Moody announced that he would be placing the Imperius Curse on every one of them and see how they would react with its effects.

"But, Professor you said it was illegal," Hermione says, as Moody clears away the desks with his wand, leaving a large empty space in the centre of the room. "You said to use it against another human-"

"Dumbledore wants you to be taught what it feels like," Moody says, his magical eye swivelling around and fixing on Hermione. "If you'd rather learn the hard way when someone putting it on you, fine by me - you're excused. Off you go." Hermione looked down and muttered something very inaudibly, her cheeks were pink and Harry and Ron sniggered to eachother.

Moody began calling students up one by one to have the curse inflicted upon them. Each and every one of them staggered up to the front, looking very nervous and indeed petrified. I watched outstandingly as my classmates did some of the most extraordinary things under the input of the curse.

"Miss Pearson, if you would come up here please." Moody growled. My head snapped up, my cheeks reddened and my heart pace quickened. I took slow and steady steps into the space where moody had cleared the desks and stood in front of him, timidly. Moody raised his wand and I winced before he shouted "Imperio!"

The curse hit me and I was hit with a wonderful sensation. It felt like I weighed nothing and that every thought and worry had been wiped away from my head leaving a peculiar sense of happiness.

"Do a cartwheel." Moody's harsh voice interrupted my moment of peace. I was at least going to try and fight it off. "Do a cartwheel."

"No," I say in my head "Why should I?"

It felt like someone had put a stick up my nose and was twisting and fiddling with my brain, trying to make me do things I can't control. I shut my eyes tightly and fought against this powerful force.

"Do a cartwheel,"

"I don't think I will... I don't really want to,"

"Do a cartwheel NOW!" His voice was a lot more firmer this time and the next thing I knew, I uncontrollably flew my hands into the air and my legs gave way beneath me, causing me to face plant the floor. My head aches incredibly and it took me a second to re gain my vision completely.

"Now that's more like it!" Moody exclaimed, holding out an arm to help me up. "Miss Pearson here fought it! Look at that, you lot, she fought it! And she damn near beat it! Let me tell you, they'll have trouble controlling you, young lady." Moody gave me a big pat on the back and I staggered back over to my spot with Harry and Hermione. "Potter up next please."

Harry looked from Moody, to my pale face, to large empty space in the centre. He glanced back at me in denial and realising he didn't have another choice but to step into the space. He took two big strides into the middle and stared hatefully at Moody. Moody then raised his wand, just like he did with the rest of us and chanted.


The look on Harry's face suddenly changed. Like all the muscles in his body had suddenly tensed up. His eyes were squeezed together, his nose was wrinkled and his brow was furrowed. His expressions looked like he was experiencing the same thing I did. He was trying to fight it.

My head starts to feel funny and I'm getting the same sensation I was when I was under the curse. Only a lot fainter and it didn't feel quite the same as last time. It felt like I was experiencing it second-hand. Like someone else was going through it and it was being passed on to me..


This is what Harry is feeling!

But why am I feeling it to?

My head is spinning and I grab onto Hermione's arm to gain my balance. She turns her head and looks at me.

"Are you alright, Olivia?" She says, concerned. I just nod and step back onto my own feet.

"Y- yeah yeah, I uhh just tripped," I say, out of breath. She gives me one last confused look and turns back to watching Harry.

My vision starts to blur and my ears ring. The feeling suddenly comes to a halt when a loud BANG! Echoes throughout the room. Harry had charged right into the desk, hitting both his kneecaps on the wooden frame. He fell to the floor with a loud grunt. He didn't  mean to do that.

"See! Potter fought it too!" Moody exclaims, helping Harry up from the floor, "Let me tell you lot something. If anyone tried the Imperius
Curse on you two, they'd certainly have trouble. Well done! That's what I like to see! Constant vigilance!"

I jump, his eye rolls madly in its socket, before stopping and fixating on me, as if looking through into my very soul.

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