chapter six

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A whole hour later, our table was littered with screwed up bits of parchment, and jottings of random symbols. We had made next to no progress. I was laid back on my chair, breathing heavily, twirling my quill in my hands. My mind was still swapping from random subjects, Moody's class, Draco, homework, where Hermione is, Draco, how Neville is, Draco again, Harry, homework. I stare down at my piece of parchment. It was an endless cycle of hopeless thinking.

"I haven't got a clue what this lot's supposed to mean." I groan, lying my head on the table and banging it slightly. My hair was frizzy and knotted from all the times I had run my fingers through it and shook it, in frustration.

"You know," Ron said, tapping his quill on the desk, and looking at Harry. "I think it's back to the old Divination standby."

"What - make it up?" Harry says, looking equally as exhausted as Ron and I. I turn my head on the desk, looking at the boys.

"Does that really work?" I say, squinting from the lamp shining in my eyes.

"Oh yeah," Ron says, turning to me. "Just make up a load of miserable and depressing events and she'll believe them. You know what she's like." He dips his quill into some ink and begins to write something on his parchment. I lift my head and shrug, doing the same thing.

"Next Monday," he said, " I am likely to develop a cough, owing the unlucky conjunction of Mars and Jupiter." He said, dotting the end of his sentence, harshly.

"Right," Harry says, screwing up his first piece of parchment and throwing it over the heads of some first years and into the fire. "Ok... on Monday I will be in danger of - er - burn."

"Yeah you will be," I say, not looking up from my work. "We're seeing the Skrewts again on Monday. Ok, Tuesday, I will... erm..." I put my quill on my chin, thinking.

"Lose a treasured possession." Harry, who was flicking through Unfogging the Future, for ideas, said, looking up at me.

"Good one." I say, copying it down, "because of ... erm ... Mercury. Why don't you get stabbed in the back by someone you though was a friend?" I point to it in the text book and he nods, putting it down.

"Yeah... cool..." Harry said, quickly writing it, "because Venus is in the twelfth house."


We continued this for another hour. Our predictions became more tragic and depressing over time. The Common Room slowly emptied itself as people gradually went up to bed. Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, kept into an empty chair beside me and stared at me, heatedly, a look similar to what Hermione would've give us if she knew we weren't doing our homework correctly. I stared around the room, blankly, trying to think of a misfortune I hadn't used in my work yet. I saw that Fred and George looked rather out of place. They were sitting silently, heads together, poring over a piece of parchment. They usually liked to be the centre of attention, and I got a sort of secretive vibe from the way they were shielding the parchment every now and then. I watched as George shook his head vigorously at Fred and then crossed something out with his quill. He then looked over his shoulder at me staring at them. I quickly turn back to my predictions, not wanting them to think I was eavesdropping. Soon after that, the rolled up the parchment and went off to bed.

About ten minutes later, the portrait hole opened again and Hermione stepped through, carrying a large hand of parchment sheets an a box that rustled when she walked.

"Hello!" She said, "I've just finished!"

"So have I!" I say, throwing my quill onto the desk, and flipping my head upside down and pulling my hair into a messy ponytail. Hermione sat down and spread out the things she was carrying out into the desk. She pulled my predictions towards her.

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