chapter seven

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My eyes flutter open and I am greeted by the morning sun shining it's rays in my eyes. I squint and roll over, to look at the time. The old, silver alarm clock reads 5:12. It's way too early. I reach up and pull the curtains on my bed closed further, so the sun doesn't peek in. I lie on my stomach and close my eyes, hoping to get an hour extra sleep before school.

I lay there for a while, my eyes tightly closed, but my mind open. I think about Harry. How he's spent the past thirteen years thinking that he is alone. He thought that family was not an option for him. When I was there the whole time, still just as oblivious as him, but still there. I should've been there for him! When no one else was.

When it was clear that sleep would not be returning to me, I flung my legs over my bed and stood up, trying to be silent and not wake the other girls. I cautiously open my trunk and take out my copy of Fantastiv Beasts and Where to Find Them. I wince as I close my trunk, being as quiet as I can. I slip on my slippers and walk down to the Common Room, fully aware that I am still in my pyjamas.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I get a clear view of a black haired boy, sitting in front of the fire, scribbling down something on a piece of parchment, rapidly. Harry. I make my way towards him, without him realising and plonk myself down onto the scarlet sofa, next to him. He jumps and turns to look at me. I pull one of the blankets from over the back of the couch and pull it over my cold body. The fire is small and looks like it has been lit all night, which is probably why it wasn't very warming. It crackled away, burning the last pieces of white, ashy  wood that were piled on top.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Harry asks, leaning back and sealing an envelope with what looked like a note that had been written very quick and messily inside. I nod my head towards the parchment in his hands.

"What's that?" I ask, placing my book on my lap and shivering.

"Oh, I was writing back to Sirius," Harry says and looks at me huddled up, "Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?"

"Oh no its-" I begin but he had already taken off his jacket and was thrusting it into my hands, "Thanks."

I take it and wrap it around my shoulders, its warm and smells like him. My brother. He's so sweet. I love him.

"I should probably go and send this off," Harry said, holding up the letter. "D'you want to come?"

"Sure!" I say and I swing my legs off the sofa and putting Harry's jacket on properly, shoving my book under my arm.

We climbed through the portrait hole and headed for the Owlery. We walked in silence, admiring the castle at its quietest hours. The morning air was cold on my cheeks and felt good to be breathed in, rather than the hot stuffy air of our dormitory. The sound of our shoes echoed around the empty rooms and walls.

We eventually made our way to the West Tower where the Owlery was located, only being help up by Peeves who tried to lob a large painted vase at our heads.

The Owlery was a large circular room, which was even colder than the rest of the castle, due to the lack of glass in the window frames. Hundreds of owls of all different species sat on perches that reached all the way to the top of the tower and right to the bottom. The ground was scattered with straw, old skeletons and bones of mice and voles and owl droppings.

Harry's eyes frantically scanned the room for Hedwig. He caught a glimpse of some white feathers and an amber eye and rushed over to her, skidding on the hay that covered the floor, in the process. I followed after him, trying not to step on any droppings.

Hedwig shuffled on her perch, at the sight of Harry and turned her back to him, as if to say no. She was obviously still angry at him about his lack of kindness to her the previous night.

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