chapter fifteen

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"Potter! Weasley! Will you pay attention?" McGonagall's voice slashed through the Transfiguration classroom like a knife. Harry and Ron has been having a sword fight with some of Fred and George's fake wands at the back of the classroom. They both jumped and put the fake wands down immediately, with embarrassed looks on their faces. McGonagall gave them sharp looks and they sat quietly in their seats.

"Now that Potter and Weasley have decided to act their age." She shot them an angry look. "I have something to say to you all. The Yule Ball is approaching- a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and amazing opportunity to socialise and get to know our foreign guests. Now the ball will be open only to fourth years and above, although if you wish, you may invite a younger student. The ball will start a eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall."

Oh great another way to completely embarrass myself.

"Now- the Yule Ball is an opportunity for us to-er- let our hair down." I tried hard not to laugh at that moment, along with many others, as McGonagall always wore her hair in a tight bun and it looked like she had never let her hair down in her life ever. "But that does NOT mean that we will be relaxing the behaviour we expect of students in any way."

At that moment the bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson, people hastily packed away their things, exited about the approaching ball. I, however, was as low as I could go. How was I supposed to get a date? I've only been her for a few months, no one will want to go with clumsy old, Olivia Potter. No one really knows me, let alone would like me enough to be my date to the ball.

As we were leaving the classroom, McGonagall looked over the heads of the students and called out.

"Potters! A word if you please." She says and Harry and I make our way, gloomily over to the front of the classroom and we stood in front of the teachers desk and waited for the rest of the class to leave.

"Right, Potter, the champions and their partners-" she began.

"What partners?" Harry and I say, simultaneously, in shock. Professor McGonagall looked at us suspiciously and continued.

"Your partners for the Yule Ball. Your dance partners." I felt my insides curl and shrivel up at these words. My face immediately went red.

"Uh- I don't dance." Harry said.

"Me neither." I add. I can barely walk in a straight line without tripping over, how was I supposed to dance?

"Oh yes you do." Said Professor McGonagall, clearly irritated, "That's what I'm telling you. Traditionally, the champions and their partners open up the ball."

"What." I say

"I'm not dancing." Harry says.

"It's traditional. You two are Hogwarts champion, and you all do what is expected of you, as a representative of the school is that understood? Now make sure you get yourselves partners, Potter." She says finally, and she dismisses is before we could say another word.

Brilliant. Just great. I thought this bloody tournament couldn't get any worse but it has! I can't dance in front of the whole school and more! How am I supposed to get anyone to dance with me? I'll trip over my own feet and step on their toes and completely humiliate myself in front of everybody!

We both grab our bags, aggressively, and walk out of the classroom, moodily. We turn the corner, not saying a word, and find Ron and Hermione slumped against a wall, in a deep debate about something Ron clearly didn't care about.

"What did she want?" Ron says, when he saw us turn the corner looking irritated.

"The champions have to open up the ball." I say, blankly. "And that's not even the worst part,"

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