chapter twenty-seven

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I feel myself slam into the ground below me. I keep my eyes tightly closed, too terrified to open them. The breath had been completely knocked out of me. My head was swimming so much the ground felt as though it was swaying under my body. My hands were clenched tightly onto the two things I dare not let go of: Harry's hand and Cedric's. My scar was burning dully on the side of my neck. The shock was pinning me to the ground. I was waiting for someone to do something... to help us... to do anything. I feel tears brewing in the back of my eyes and I don't hesitate to let them fall. I lay there breathing in the scent of the grass my head was pressed against, as tears fell hotly onto my freezing cheeks. The sounds confused me. Cheers. Not screaming, crying, like they should be. Cheering and clapping, as if they were celebrating. Then my shoulders were seized by a pair of hands and I was turned over. I was looking up at the deep, starry sky, the figure of Dumbledore towering over me. My eyes stung in the cold wind and I sobbed harder. I sit up abruptly. A crowd of people were pushing forward, making their way over to us. Dumbledore's face swam in and out of focus.

"Harry, Olivia?" The panicked voice of Dumbledore said. Harry grabs Dumbledore's wrist, and pulls him slightly nearer. His face was, like mine, glistening with tears.

"He's back," Harry whispered, shakily.

"V-Voldemort's back," I say, struggling to breathe properly.

"What's going on? What's happened?" Said the voice of the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge. His face was drained of colour instantly when he saw the state Cedric was in. "My god- Diggory!" His head snaps towards the crowd of people that were closing in around Harry and I. "Keep everyone in their seats- a boys just been killed," I heard him whisper to Snape. My stomach gave an uncomfortable jolt as the crowd realised what had happened: people started screaming and gasping, in shock, some of the girls were crying hysterically and the Professor's and tournament judges were trying to heard people away from the scene. Dumbledore, gripped my shaking wrists and raised me off the ground, and steadied me on my feet. I tried to cover my sobs with my hands but they were pushed away by Dumbledore.

"It's ok, Olivia," he says, patting my shoulder gently, "It's done now. He's home." My sobs only become louder. Everything was fine. Fine. Until this bloody Tournament. Why did this have to happen to me? To us? The screams and the cries from the crowd echoed around my head, making me want to curl up into a ball and scream until it was all over. I fling myself into Harry's arms and he hugs me tight, his own cries becoming more frequent. My vision was going in and out of focus, making my head spin.

A heavy hand was placed on my shoulder and I was pulled out of Harry's arms. The gruff voice of Mad-Eye Moody spoke in my ear:

"Come on, you two," he hoists me to my feet and wraps a heavy arm around my shoulder and the other on Harry's. "You don't want to be here, right now. Come with me." My scar was throbbing and gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Mad-Eye forced a pathway through the crowd of crying people and he guided us across the moonlit grounds, and into the castle itself.

Clunk, clunk, clunk. Up the marble staircase we went: my eyes able to see but my brain unable to process anything. The castle seemed dark. Not it's homelike, usual self. The jet of green light, that had taken Cedric's life like it was nothing, was flashing before my eyes every time I blinked. The voices of my parents, for the first time in my life, were fresh in my ears and echoed around my head.

Clunk, clunk, clunk. Through the deserted corridors: I was struggling to get breaths in and out. My sobs and my cries were forming a lump in my throat, leaving me unable to speak. The tears trickling silently down my cheeks were the only sign of pain.

"What happened?" Moody said, my knees almost buckling underneath me. I swallow hard, still unable to speak, hoping that Harry would speak up.

"Cup was a Portkey..." Harry says breathlessly, as we crossed a cold landing on the second floor. "...took us to a graveyard... Voldemort was there... and- and killed Cedric,"

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