chapter twenty-eight

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Harry and I returned back to Gryffindor Tower two weeks after the third task. We were give the dreamless sleep potion every night, since then, which we were both grateful for, as it meant we didn't have to think about the task at all. Dumbledore had now requested the whole school to leave us alone and not to badger us about what happened within the walls of the maze, that night. Everyone had listened, much to our delight, however people seemed to be skirting around us in the corridors, avoiding our eyes and whispering behind their hands, whenever we passed. It didn't affect me much though, I was just happy to be left alone and able to enjoy the little time I had left in the castle with Ron, Hermione, Harry and Draco. The end of the year draws nearer and it's only a matter of days before everyone is back on the Hogwarts Express for the summer and my things will be moved back into my bedroom. I was looking forward to staying at Hogwarts for the summer: anything was going to be better than staying at that bloody orphanage, but I knew I would have a lot of time on my hands and I would be left alone with my own thoughts, so I was slightly worried.

Harry and I haven't discussed Cedric at all since the task. We both didn't want to. We usually spent our time, enjoying each other's company, in the safety and the warmth of the Gryffindor Common Room, which I really liked. Draco and I met in the library a few more  times and I could tell that he was scared of upsetting me, so he avoided the subject in any way, and we just enjoyed being in each other's company.


On the morning of the last day of term, I woke up earlier than everybody else, in order to pack all of my things into my trunk and carry it up to my bedroom, that I would be accommodating for the next six weeks. When Harry, Ron, Hermione and I entered the Great Hall that morning, for breakfast, instead of being met with its usual, warm, chatting interior, we were presented with black Hufflepuff banners and drapes handing from the ceiling, along with glum looking faces among the crowds of students. My heart sank into my stomach, when we sat down at the Gryffindor table. The whole atmosphere was grievous and mournful. I can't bring myself to eat anything, no matter how much Hermione nags me to. I glance over at the Slytherin table and see Draco chatting quietly among his friends, a different scene to what I'm usually greeted with. He catches my eye and gives me an encouraging smile, which I return. The quiet chatter, however, didn't last long, as Dumbledore arose from his seat, beckoning for silence. The quiet hum that had filled the hall was drained away at once. Dumbledore cleared his throat and dread pools in the pit of my stomach.

"The end, of another year." Dumbledore says, glancing at the Hufflepuff table, whose faces were unusually pale and subdued, "First of all, I would like you all to raise a glass to, Cedric Diggory, a kind soul, a great friend, student and classmate, who should be sitting with us here tonight. The Ministry does not wish for me to tell you this, but I think to not, would be an insult to his memory. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered. By Lord Voldemort!" A chill creeps down my spine and a tear falls down my cheeks, although I'm not really crying. I don't dare look back at Harry, who's face I know mirrors mine: tired and petrified. "You must know that Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain! The pain and the grief we feel as a result of this dreadful loss, reminds us that, despite our differences, despite our disagreements, our hearts beat as one and we must treasure that, with everything we possibly can. I'd like you all to raise a glass to Cedric Diggory, a kind and brave, loyal and true soul, right to the very end." Dumbledore raises his goblet and the rest of the Hall follows suit, murmuring Cedric's name, beyond the silent sobbing coming from throughout the Hall. I bite my trembling lip and look down at the table wishing nothing more than to be back in that orphanage once again, where none of this could have happened.


The courtyard is so packed there is barely any space to breathe. It's full of students saying their goodbyes to our foreign guests, as they make their departures. I don't know how to feel. This has been the best, but also the worst year of my life. I've made so many new friends and even found myself a home, but despite all of the happiness I was served, this year, the horrors and the trauma of the Tournament, were going to stay with me forever. I look around at the faces of pure joy and happiness around the courtyard and feel a pang of jealousy, wishing I could forget all that happened within the Tournament.

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