chapter nineteen

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We jump at the sudden disturbance and our moment fades away quickly into the night sky. We wouldn't actually have kissed would we? We sit back in the bench, awkwardly, breathing heavily. I twirl my thumbs in my lap, as the shouting, which I recognise as Hermione's voice, continues. I stand up abruptly.

"I should probably go and see if she's okay." I say, trying to break the silence between us, and he nods into agreement.

"I had a great time." He says standing up too. "Thanks for an amazing night"

"No problem." I say, softly smiling. "I'll speak to you soon, then."

"Yeah definitely, goodnight!" He calls after me as I start walking. I smile to myself widely and enter the castle, once again, to see what has gotten Hermione so upset. Just then was it that I realised how cold it was outside and how immune I had been to the cold chills of the winter night. It's a lot warmer in here and I relax as soon as I enter.

"You know the solution then, don't you?" Hermione says, angrily, walking towards the marble staircase, tears streaming down her face. Ron follows her.

"Go on." He says, folding his arms.

"Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does! And not at the last resort." She retorts, leaving Ron speechless, staring at her in bewilderment.

"Wha- that's completely besides the point!" He exclaims, going as red as his fiery hair. I sort of stand there, awkwardly, at the side of their quarrelling, until someone aggressively taps me on the shoulder. It's Harry.

"What?" I spit, getting annoyed just at the sight of him.

"I cannot believe you." He says exasperatedly.

"Oh grow up, Harry." I say, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms, impatiently.

"Me grow up?" He says, in disbelief, "I'm not the one clinging onto Malfoy's arm like a child going 'Oh kiss me, kiss me, Draco." I take a two back, severely offended.

"How dare you! I wasn't like that at all!" I spit back, aggravated.

"Oh sure." He says, sarcastically. "I can't believe you chose him to go with. Him. He's practically a Death Eater!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione had told me what a Death Eater was, and Draco was definitely not one of them. I can't believe he would even say that!

"How dare you!" I shout, angrily, "You just had to ruin it didn't you? You and your jealousy because Cedric got to go with Cho. Leave me alone." I walk over to the steps, where Hermione has sat herself down on, her head in her hands.

"Happily." Harry spits and runs up the staircase, to join Ron. It was too perfect. Too perfect for me. Of course he had to go and ruin it. I take a seat on one of the cold, marble steps, next to Hermione, and put a hand on her shoulder. Her body is shaking slightly and I can tell she's crying. Her heels lay beside her feet as she sniffles.

"What's up with you?" I say, tentatively, not wanting a telling off from her. She looks up at me with red, blotchy cheeks, from crying and her eyes puffy.

"Ron." She says, wiping her eyes. "He's annoyed at me for going with Viktor. Says I'm 'fraternising with the enemy'"

"Hey, 'Mione, it's ok, ignore him. He's jealous. You saw how he was like even before he knew you were going with Viktor." I say, comfortingly. She stifles a laugh, wiping the tears off her cheeks with the back of her hand. He hair has been taken out of the sleek bun and it was hanging, straight, over her face.

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