Chapter Three

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Back in the car, back on the road, back to the uncomfortable silence. The only difference is, that Dean isn't starring at me anymore. Instead every now and then he makes a nasty remark clearly directed at me and James acts like he is deaf. I tried to act like that too but unfortunatly Dean can hear my heatbeat quicken everytime he says something mean and when that happens I can see him smirk. The thought that my own blood is giving him strenght right now makes me want to scream. But my anger is being drowned out by fear. Something changed, I can sense it.

James always stopped Dean from hurting me, although his arguments why Dean shouldn't hurt me never convinced me that James cared for me beyond my use to them. I just don't want to have to see the day when James gets tired of protecting me or thinks I'm of no use to him anymore.

Would he hurt me? Does he want to hurt me?

Why did I come with them anyway? Because I wanted to help, because I saw the hurt in James eyes when he told me about Clara and how the crazed vampire had kidnapped her. James had heard how I had defeated one of the Vampire Princes. And since I had lost friends and family in this fight I needed a new purpose which at that time had been to help James get his true love back. Then I had met Dean and for a moment I thought that maybe I should leave but in the end I didn't, because what else would I do? Dean scared me but having no plan what to do and wandering around lost had scared me more. Not anymore.

My powers are different from the vampires. These powers are draining and when I use them I grow weak and have to rest to get them back. And when I had Him cornered I was too weak to stop Him because I had used all my powers to fight my way through, while James had looked for Clara and Dean was busy killing everything and everyone in his way. He got away.

I found James sitting next to Claras corpse, starring motionless into the distance. Dean came a few minutes later, covered in blood. In that moment I realized, that Dean and James truly were old friends, because Dean seemed to know exactly what to do. Usually James said what to do and where to go, but back then he followed everything Dean said and after they buried her, James sat in the passenger seat, looking like someone who has lost everything and the only one keeping him from going insane, was Dean. When I realized that, I had wanted to leave, because I felt like there was nothing that I could do but they both wanted me to stay. Although for different reasons.

"Oh no, you little bitch you're going to stay and pay for your stupidity and general incapability to do anything right," Dean had growled while holding my arm in an iron grip.

"Stay. We still can use your help to kill him," James had said while looking past me towards the horizon.

And now here I was, feeling useless, guilty and scared.

The world has changed so much in the last decades. The wars have left everyone scared and desperate. What better time for the vampires to emerge from their centuries of hiding? They promised food, shelter and most importantly protection from the Liveless. And all that for submission and blood.

Mistakes were made

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