Chapter Nineteen

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Authors Note:

Full transparency: I've been writing this story for a while and I can't remember all the details. Please forgive any inconsistencies. One day, when I have something else to do, I'll procrastinate by editing this story.



I stood, frozen in shock. Dean hurdled the head straight across the runway. It vanished into the night. Without missing a beat, he grabbed the still stumbling body and ripped one of the arms off. Noticing my horrified expression, he paused:

"Gotta be careful with old vampires like him. You leave too much intact and the bastard manages to get himself back together."

Now it became very noticeable how alive the body still seemed to be. Not stumbling anymore, it turned towards me as if it could sense my location. With the one arm still attached and outstretched it came walking towards me.

"You got it, or do you need my help?" There was no sense of urgency in his voice. He just seemed smug and arrogant, like I was used to. I tried to evade the mangled body and walked around it. It wasn't quick but without hesitation it changed direction until it was once again slowly coming towards me.

"Looks like he is really angry at you, maybe you wanna use that power you seem to posses so suddenly." Not only did he sound arrogant, now there was a hint of an accusation.

"Can't you just do it? This is so fucking gruesome." I found myself actually walking towards Dean, in the hopes that the body would turn on him.

"God, you're such a little bitch," he sighed before he grabbed Caines body by the remaining arm. It tried to kick him with no luck. One crunching and squelching sound later, the other arm was thrown into the flames. Only legs and torso were left. Without any arms, keeping balance seemed more difficult. It started to make its way towards the runway.

"Ah shit, he wants to get his head back. Shouldn't have thrown it so far away, but I didn't want him to reattach it." Dean followed to walking torso. I was thoroughly horrified. Though I knew that killing a vampire, especially an old one, was not easy, I had not expected this. Dean kicked the torsos legs away from underneath it and laughed.

"Let's see if he manages to get back up."

"Can't you just put it out of its misery?"

"What do you mean "it"? That's Caine. He killed thousands of humans and hundreds of vampires. God knows, how many witches. Why should he get off easy? I guarantee you; he's done the same with some of the ancients." He grabbed a piece of burning debris and dropped it on the remains, that were trying to get up.

"Does he feel it?"

"I sure hope he does. But then we can't really know. Usually when you've taken a vampire apart this much, they don't come back to tell the tale."

The body was burning, and the smell made me sick. I turned away and tried to fight down the urge to throw up. Suddenly, I felt Dean beside me.

"I gotta say, I'm almost impressed. When James had told me, he asked a powerful witch to come along, this is what I imagined. Not the watery eyed bitch you've been playing." I turned to him but before I could reply, he continued:

"If you'd have just done this the first try, you could've saved yourself a lot of pain."

I still felt the buzzing underneath my skin. Could I take him now? Or at least incapacitate him enough to get away?

"You could have saved me a lot of pain too, you know?"

He chuckled before brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. Then he took my face between his hands and for a second, I thought, he would rip off my head.

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