Chapter Twenty

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It took us almost until sunrise to find the head. Seeing it lying on the tarmac made me feel sick again. The eyes were still moving and the tongue was hanging outside the corner of his mouth. Without much ceremony Dean dropped a burning piece of rubble on the head. The smell was awful.

"Alright, thats that." He turned away from the head once it was as black as coal. "I thinks it's safe to say that James and whats her name won't be here until sunrise. Let's get cosy in one of the planes and meet them tomorrow night. I'll even let you pick the plane." His arm had snaked around my waist and he was pulling me with him. The thought of spending another night alone with him wasn't a pleasant one. But maybe I would be able to get away.

"I don't think one of the planes would be a safe option if you ask me. Look at what happende to Caines posse and I didn't even try to kill them." I expected him to dismiss my remark and pick a plane himself. Then I could try to blow it up with him inside once he was asleep. He redirected his walking but didn't let go of me.

"Valid point. Lets go look inside the airport. They ought to have those first class waiting areas." Why did he have to choose today to listen to me? Blowing him up inside a plane might not kill him but the sun exposure might. Inside the airport that wouldn't be an option. I couldn't know how long the mysterious increase of my power would be present. Time was of the essence. I ignored the little voice inside of me, that was asking why I had pointed out the danger in staying in a plane in the first place.

We had already reached the building. Dean looked at a map of it that was posted on the wall.

"Look, on the second floor is a lounge. Let's check it out."

As we walked through the staircase I could see what he had been doing while I was outside with Caine. Liveless and ribbed up body parts were lying on the steps. Once we reached the second floor I had to bite back a gag. The floor was seeped in the black blood of the Liveless. The smell was almost too much to bear. Dean didn't seem faced by it. The door to the lounge was locked but he simply ripped out the whole thing.

"After you," he said with a sarcastic bow.

I stepped through the door and scanned my surroundings. There were windows, but luckily with a tint. On the right side was a bar, some couches and arm chairs. To the left were doors leading to private rooms. One had a shower sign. I forgot about everything else and could suddenly only feel the grime and dirt on my body. Especially between my legs. He had spilled himself inside me twice these last few days and the evidence was smeared down the inside of my legs.

"I'm gonna check if the showers work." I didn't wait for a reply from him and walked away.

While the showers did not look very inviting when I turned the handle a weak stream of cold water errupted. I practically ripped the clothes of my body and stepped underneath it. The cold didn't bother me, since my powers were heating me up from the inside. Discovering a small almost empty bottle of soap almost brought tears to my eyes. Once cleanliness becomes a luxury you start to really appreciate it. I heard the door opeing behind me and turned around.

"I guess I should shower of some of the blood as well," Dean said as he was approaching me. His eyes were wandering over my naked body. It was crazy to think, that a few days ago I had still tried to shield my body from his gaze. Now it felt like too much of a hastle. If I tried to hide myelf from him it would only provoke him to humiliate me in some new horrible way. Nevertheless I felt uncomfortable when he looked at me like this. Especially since as soon as he saw me his eyes got that certain look again. I hadn't noticed it at first but after the fourth time, I recognized it.

He started to undress and I turned away again. I could hear him chuckle behind me.

"It's alright Mea, you can look. Nothing you haven't seen before." I didn't reply but I felt him step closely behind me. "Fuck, I didn't expect the water to be cold."

"Since when do you care about temperature?" I asked.

"I don't but I thought you do. Thats why I didn't expect you to stand under an ice cold stream." He slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. The cold water and his cold skin together were making me start to shiver. "But maybe I could have guessed," he murmured in my ear as his hands found my hardened nipples. I tried to get away from him, more out of habit than anything else but he held me tight.

"Guess what I found outside," he continued as his hands continued to explore me.

"I know it can't be a sense of decency, otherwise I wouldn't know," I replied through gritted teeth.

He chuckled again and placed a few soft kisses along my neckline.

"I found a fully stocked vending machine. Do you know what that means?" My heart had made a little jump of joy after his first sentence but the second one put a damper on that. My answer was hopeful but nervous.

"That I'll get something to eat again?"

"It means we both get something to eat."

I had barely time to process what he meant before he sank his teeth into my neck. The feeling was so overwhelming that I saw stars dancing in front of my eyes. My body reacted by pushing my heart rate to about 200 beats per minute. It was horrible. Painful, but the pain wasn't the worst part. I felt my life slipping away but unable to defend myself, feeling petrified. Any movement from my head only exacerbated the feeling of fangs inside my neck. What felt like an eternity went by before he pulled back. My legs couldn't carry me anymore and I hung in his arms like a lifesized doll.

"Good girl," he whispered in my ear. He turned off the shower and picked me up. I didn't protest but let him carry me to the next room. It had a bed which he lowered me on and left. I turned on my side and gripped the sheets. The immediate pain had almost left but I felt sick and weak. This was so much worse than anything else. If given the choice I would let him fuck me for hours if it meant he wouldn't bite me. He returned and dropped a couple of vendig machine snacks next to me on the bed.

"Don't say I don't take good care of you," he said and sat down next to me. His clothes were back on and I felt ashamed lying completly naked and shivering in front of him. It took me all my remaining strength to sit up and pull the covers over me. The room was spinning. I blindly grapped one of the packets, ripped it open and shoved the contents into my mouht. It tasted stale but sweet.

Dean watched me as I proceeded to eat everything he had brought me. The food made me feel a little better but it barely stopped my shivering.

"You know, it's a lot less straining for you of you relax into it," he chimed in after a while. I finished chewing the last of a pack of pretzels before I replied.

"Its not like you gave me a lot of time to get used to the idea. You just came in and bit me without a warning."

"Thats not true. I let you know what would happen. You could have just relaxed but you got into your head. Obviously I wasn't going to kill you." He almost sounded annoyed which I thought he had no reason to be.

"I don't think its obvious that you weren't planning on killing me. You've said so several times."

"Fucking hell," he practically jumped to his feet, "then why the fuck would I have told you I found food for you? Stop putting yourself into this stupid victim role. Are you done?" he gestured to the food wrapes lying on the floor.

"I guess so," I replied cautiously. He seemed a little on edge to put it mildly.

"Good, then lets get some rest. And Medea, don't you dare try and get away. It would end ugly for you."

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