Chapter Sixteen

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Half an hour had gone by and nothing had happened. I was just beginning to relax and come to peace with my situation when Dean started to look at me. Only for a few seconds in the beginning but it got more frequent and longer. Just when I tought I couldn't take the pregnant silence anymore he started to talk:

"Why is it so hard for you to accept that I make you horny?" his tone was relaxed but the tightening of his jaw did not escape me. I hesitated to answer. The diplomatic answers I had given him int the past to questions like that, had not proven very useful. I thought the answers were not provokative but it still led to mostly painful results. Maybe I needed to be more honest, as drastic as that sounds.

"You don't make me feel horny, you make me feel scared. I constantly ask and beg you to leave me alone but you never listen. And when I try not to make you angry or behave you still hurt me. Thats the whole problem. You like hurting me and as long as thats the case no matter what I'll do you will keep doing it."

I had spoken slowly. The words getting more quiet with every second and the last was barely a whisper. Maybe I had been too honest. I waited with baited breath for his response. He chuckled.

"Oh Mae, you always act so innocent and weak. Do you think I don't remember that you single handedly took down a powerful vampire king? You are very strong, what you lack is incentive. Him killing your family seems a strong enough incentive for you, to use your power. Me doing whatever I want with you and treating you like my fuckdoll seems not strong enough. Or maybe," he turned to me again and smiled, "you like the way I make you feel."

"You think, that if I could I wouldn't put an end to this?" I replied through gritted teeth. "You've been reminding me more than frequent, that the diminishing of my power caused Caine to get away. If I didn't want that to happen again, I needed to rest. Besides, I can't be sure how much I can hurt you. The image of you surviving and coming after me is burned into my mind."

That only caused him to start laughing out loud. He abruptly shifted gears and caused the car to howl. It began picking up speed.

"So your explanation for not fighting back is because you preserve power? For us? Because believe me, James doesn't appreciate you any more than I do. He's becoming himself again after finally being away from Claras influence. The vampire he was before he met her would treat you the same as I am. And you won't even try because you're too scared."

I couldn't take it anymore. Now he was looking down on me because I didn't fight back?

"Fuck you, you arrogant, selfish asshole," I screamed before blue flames shot from my hands and hit Dean in the side. The car started skidding and turning. One window shattered. I lost balance and held back the flames. Smoke was filling the car and I could barely see anything. I felt a shuddering go through the whole vehicle and it came to a screeching halt. My heart was racing and the reality of what I had just done settled in. The first thing I could make out again were Deans eyes. They were glowing red through the smoke. He didn't look very hurt. His clothes and skin were sinched but his skin was already starting to heal again. He barred his teeth in a horrible smile.

"I knew you could do it Princess,"he said while leaning over. I tried to get away from him but he grabbed me and pulled me close.

"I hope thats not all you got, because that really doesn't hurt me much." I felt him snake his hand into my hair before pulling my head back with it. He pressed his lips on mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth. It all happened so quickly. But I should've known, it always came back to this. His other hand ran up my thigh and when he reached the hem of my shorts, slipped underneath it. I started to squirm and tried to push him away. He reacted with more agression, as he always does and pushed me down onto the seat until I was lying on my back.

I let the prickle of the blue flames fill me again before releasing it from my whole body. Dean got a strong shock but only flinched slightly. He was quickly on top of me again.

"Nice try, Princess," he mumbled into my ear. Tears of anger and frustration were filling my eyes. No other vampire had ever been impacted so little by my powers as he had. I tried to claw at his skin as he was ripping of my shorts but he didn't seem to feel it. Once again he didn't bother to take of my panties and only pushed the to the side before entering me with his fingers. He smirked and said:

"Oh my little whore is already wet. Good girl."

"You monster, you did this on purpose," I spat. "You just wanted a reason to torture me again."

"I wouldn't say making you horny is torture." He removed his fingers and placed his dick before my  entrance. "I bet I can make you come again." With that he pressed into me. There was no pain. I was very wet and it immedeatly felt different. It felt so good I wanted to grab him and pull him closer. But I got control over myself again before I did. Something had changed. The fear had vanished and the air felt different. I felt the familiar prickling of my power under my skin. But it wasn't to attack. It almost seemed to relish his touch.

He started with the same merciless pounding as before. Now it started to hurt again but the pain was nothing compared to the sensation builiding in my entire body. Everywhere where his body touched mine pure pleasure was pulsing through me. I tried to fight it, to figth him but failed. He covered my neck in kisses and slowed down before looking at me.

"I'm gonna make you come, you can deny it if you want, I don't give a shit. But do as both a favour and release your power when you're about to orgasm." Then he started moving faster again. Close between my legs his pelvis was pressing against my clit. The stimulation from inside and outside was all it took to push me over the edge. Even if I had tried, I couldn't hold my powers in. It wasn't the cold blue fire as usual. Purple lightening was crawling over our bodies. It felt heavenly.

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