Twenty nine

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Mitchel laid on the bathroom tile, he let his still bleeding and throbbing wrist lay on the cold tile it was soothing his pain a little.
Mitchel flinched when something wet touched his leg he didn't think he was bleeding that much but the pool of blood was growing larger but he ignored it and continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Clint get out of shower you've been in there for like an hour!" Christian whined as Clint threw a shampoo bottle at the door making Christian roll his eyes and travel down the hallway to see if he could use Mitchels bathroom.
He sighed again because the light was on, but he didn't hear the shower running or the toilet or sink. He shrugged and opened the door.

He let out the loudest ear piecing scream causing Mitchel to sit up in the pool of his own blood.
"Fuck." Mitchel mumbled as Christian ran over to him as knelt in his blood as he grabbed the first aid kit and began to fix up Mitchels wrist.
"Mitchel why?" Christian whispered as he looked up into Mitchels eyes. Mitchel remained quiet as Christian put antibiotic cream on his cuts before wrapping them in gaws.

"Mitchel please talk to me." Christians eyes begin to fill with tears as Mitchel began to become hot he couldn't steady his vision.
"Mitchel please don't pass out." Christian notice his face go pale and due to his blood loss he couldn't tell if he needed to go to the hospital or not.
"Baby please." Christian placed his cold hand on Mitchels cheek causing Mitchel to blink quickly. "K...kiss me." He mumbled as Christian lightly placed his lips on Mitchel moving them in sink with his; Christian pulled away and leaned his head on Mitchels.
"I'm sorry." Mitchel mumbled. "I...I thought this would solve my problems some how." He continued to mumble as he drifted in and out of reality.
"Mitchel this solved nothing." Christian said with a voice crack.

"Please don't start crying." Mitchel said in a almost a begging way.
Christian helped the weak guy up as Mitchel used the wall to steady himself.

Christian laid next to Mitchel in his bed.
The room was silent it was awkward silences Mitchel took a deep breath but before he could he closed his mouth and decided not to.

Sorry I fell

You alright?

          I need to stop doing stupid things.

            I think I traumatized Christian


Well fuck

You didn't answer me lol
Are you okay?

Christian did feel guilty from him laying right next to Mitchel and texting him.
"Hey Mitchel are you okay?" Christian blurted out Mitchel remained silent and just nodded for his answer.

           Yah I'm fine lol I'm actually out with friends rn to distract myself

Christian raised his eyebrow at Mitchels lie.

Oh that's good

               Real question is are you okay?


                  Well idk you haven't talked about your dick lately or sent me a dick pic. Just wondering if your hormones were alright.



Christian couldn't get over the fact that Mitchel was laying right next to him with a tore up wrist and he's just joking like he didn't just lose a pint of blood on the bathroom door.

Mitchel got up from the bed and steadied himself on the nightstand as Christian rushed over to his side to help him.
"I just wanna go outside and have a cigarette, I'm okay now." Mitchel mumbled and pulled his hoodie sleeve down over his bandages.

He lit a cigarette and sat on the porch steps.

                 Why won't you FaceTime me?

Bro it's like 3am
I should be asleep.

            Imma bout to call up that cat fish show Sksksks you gonna get busted

I'm petrified

                                               I cut myself

Oh this took a turn

Are you okay
What the hell?

                        The high it gave me was better than drugs i had my whole life in my hands one wrong cut and I'm dead. Iv never felt more in control.

That's scary shit Mitchel
Don't play around like that
Self harm isn't something that
Should give you a high

                    I know I need to be put on medication or some shit

I think you need to realize
How many people love

Wow that was sappy but you
Get it Mitchel.
Read 3:48 am

Mitchel stomped out his cigarette and just stared at the stars as if they were gonna speak to him.

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