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Mitchel scooped a tired Willow up into his arms.

               Im kinda scared to go inside and tell Christian the surprise.


                            Okay geez okay

"Okay you stay here alright." Willow nodded and stood by the front door as Mitchel ran into Christian in the hallway. "Wait Kras I got you a present." Christian raised his eyebrows as Mitchel handed him the custody papers. "Wait Mitchel." IT didn't hit Christian that was actually a dad until right not. He did speak he just grabbed Mitchel into a hug as Christian pulled away and studied his lips before connecting his lips to Mitchels. The kiss was long over due as Mitchel pulled him closer as Christian placed on hand on Mitchels hip and the other on the back of his neck deepening the kiss. "Ew ew ew." Willow whined as Christian pulled away from Mitty and scooped her up and spun around with her in his arms. The giggled from him and willow sent a smile onto Mitchels face.

It was almost as if his life was perfect at this very point and time. Nothing was wrong, him and Christian were talking terms they got custody of Willow and they were happy. "Do you want lunch?" Christian asked in a baby voice, as they trailed into the kitchen.
"Yah I want Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets." Willow clapped her hands together as Mitchel took her from him so he could start lunch.

                I can't believe I'm a dad, like woah.

Yah dude life's crazy

Mitchel handed willow the children nail polish so she could play with it as lunch was getting cooked.

                 You know you haven't sent me a dick pic in a while. Are you okay?

Well since you
Mentioned it

           No no I was joking I'm completely happy and satisfied with Christians penis


"Mitty I wanna paint your nails." Willow begged as Mitchel put his phone down and handed the toddler his hand. "Imma make them rainbow sparkle." She grinned. "Of corse you are." Mitchel laughed a little as Christian turned off the stove and watched the play. It made him a bit emotional, he felt like he had a life with Mitchel, he had the perfect little family with him.

Christian didn't want to interrupt them but he did. "Alright the nail salon is closer for lunch come on." Willow raced to the kitchen as Mitchel helped her up on a stool and Christian put a plate in front of her as he grabbed a beer for himself and handed one to Mitchel.
"You know I'm kinda liking this dad family thing." Mitchel spoke as he took a swig of his beer.
"You're such a mom." Mitchel laughed as Christian rolled his eyes. "Don't get me wrong it's kinda hot." Mitchel laughed.
Christian just smiled as willow quickly finished her lunch. "Alright nap time." Christian Smiled. "No I don't wanna sleep." She started to fuss. "Aye none of that nonsense let's go." Christian led her into the newly fixed up child room.

Christian tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead and closed her door slightly. He entered his room and took of his shirt and plopped down on his bed.

                   Would it be wrong to like have sex while your child is napping. Like porn isn't the same since I had Christian


Nah you gotta
Do it when you can lol
Read 1:04 pm

Christian put his phone down and waited for Mitchel to enter his room and he soon did. "Hey." Christian Smiled. "I wanna cuddle." Mitchel laughed as Christian patted the empty side of the bed as Mitchel wrapped his arms around Christian mid waist. "I'm sorry for everything Iv done, like yelling at you for stupid reasons and the other shitty shit I did." Mitchel peered up into Christians eyes waiting for a response. "It's okay Mitchel." Christian kissed the top of his head as there little cuddle fest got interrupted. "I had a bad dream about elephants stomping on me." Mitchel laughed a little bit as Christians eyes widened. "Come here." Mitchel smiled as willow climbed onto the bed and nuzzled in between him and Christian as she fell back asleep.

Change Of Number • Manthony • Book One • Complete •Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora