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It was late extremely late in fact but Christian couldn't sleep his mind wouldn't calm down. He grabbed his jean jacket and slipped on a pair of nikes and headed out for a walk. He slipped his hand in his pockets as he heard quite sobs coming from the park. The crying sounded like a child's but it was 3 am. Christian walked closer to the crying and saw a little girl no older than the age of three at the bottom of the slide. "Uh sweetheart where's your parents?" Christian knelt down to her hight. She took her hands away from her eyes and shrugged. "They left and said they'd be back later." Christians jaw hung open but he couldn't just let the girl stay at the park. "What's your name?" Christian sat next to her on the metal slide. "Willow." She mumbled. "What's yours?" She peered up at Christian. "My name is Christian." He Smiled. "That's a girls name." She laughed a little as he rolled his eyes. "How long ago did your parents leave the park?" He asked the toddler. She started counting on her fingers and she was struggling he thought she was trying to count the hours but her answer scared the shit out of him. "Uh the sun went down 3 time, so three days." She said in her high pitched voice. Christian gasped. "You have to be starving and cold." Christian panicked as he took off his jacket and put around the toddler and picked her up.
"We're are we going?" She asked as she played with his hair.
"To get you something to eat, do you like pizza?" He hummed as he walked down the sidewalk with a strangers child in his arm. "Yah yah I love pizza." She screamed as he smiled and pulled out his phone.

Bro tell Mitchel to
Get his ass to the
24/7 pizza place on broad
St we got a problem

                                        Clinton 🎷🤪:
                         Dude it's like 4am wtf

                                   He's on his way and he took my car
                                      Read 4:05 am

Christian held the little girls hand as they walked into the pizza joint. "Can I get a slice of..." Christian got cut off by Willow.
"I want chocolate pizza." She giggled as Christian laughed and picked her up again. "I don't think they have that." He pushed her brown hair out of her face. "Can I get a slice of cheese and a slice of meat lovers." He payed And sat down with the toddler.

"Hey Christian... Uh who's this." Mitchel pointed to the child who was stuffing her face with pizza and macaroni and cheese and breadsticks.
"Hahaha that's a funny story, you got me pregnant and I gave birth, and this is our daughter her name is Willow." Christian Smiled a stupid smile. "Seriously dude who's child is this?" Willow didn't even notice someone else joined them she was too focused on the food.
"I don't know I found her while I was on a walk and she said her parents left her like three days ago, and she's mine and were keeping her." Christian said in one large breath as Mitchel rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Bro she's not a stray dog we gotta take her to the cops." Mitchel finally studied the girl. She was wearing a black shirt with a smiley face on it that said always happy and some light blue shorts and Christian jean jacket that swallowed her whole, Hey eyes were a beautiful hazel color and her hair was thin and long about to the middle of her back. And her dimples were a mile deep.

"Come on can we at least take her home and clean her up and play with her." Christian begged as Mitchel rolled his eyes. "Once again she's not a stray dog dude." Mitchel didn't like kids, he found them annoying and pointless. "Well fuck you im taking her home." Christian crosses his arms. "You said a bad word." The girl gasped making Mitchel laugh a little.
"We don't have a car seat, clothes, toys or food that's she could eat, we have nothing for her and you just wanna take her home?" Christian nodded and picked her up from the chair. "What are those?" She pointed to Mitchels braids. "Those are his braids." Christian answered. "I want some." She giggled as Christian smiled to Mitchel. "Come on when we get home you can braid her hair." He laughed as Mitchel sighed still not on board with the decision.

Willow sat in Mitchels lap as Christian took a left. "Where are we going?" Mitchel asked as he dangled his head low so willow could play with his braids. "Imma run into Walmart and grab some stuff for her." Mitchel nodded as he opted to stay in the car with willow so it would be quicker.

                    You won't believe what's happening right now

Christian put a pair of pajamas with Elsa and Anna on them into his cart along with socks and stuffed animal as he pulled out his phone.

Ooo spill

                     Me and Christian are dads now

Well Fuck
You were a fool
And didnt wrap your tool

                    Fuck off im serious I have this like 3 year old sitting on my lap right now and I'm petrified.


Christian put some apple juice and gummies into the cart too along with a couple of kids book and Barbie dolls.

                     Yah man fatherhood? Uh no thanks, I can barley take care of myself. And seriously I couldn't trust myself to give the best love and nourishment to a child and could possibly fail and they end up unhappy or something I'm just scared how bad it could turn out.

Mitchel don't be scared seriously
You will be a great dad. The love
You put into everything proves it
Read 7:43 am

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