Twenty five

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Christian laid his head on Mitchels chest and let his mind wonder, what did there future actually look like, would they have a family be married? A side of him believe this and wanted it to happen but the other half, the half he called the smart part, knew he knew that this was all temporary everything good never last and he should kill it before it gets out of control.

"Damn babe what you thinking about." Mitchel laughed due to his focused he was on his thoughts. "Uh? Oh nothing." He mumbled. They both jumped a little as visibly upset Clint swung open Christian bedroom door. "She lied, and thought everything was gonna be okay. She thought I'd forgive her like every other time but I'm over it I can't do it anymore!" Clinton screamed as Mitchel sat up. "Okay bro it's not a soap opera, let's tone down the drama." Clinton took a deep breath.
"So apparently Kayla was pregnant but had a miscarriage last night and only bothered to tell me after the fact the baby was dead." Clinton said with a voice crack as Christian and Mitchel looked at each other with pain clear on both of their faces.
"Well fuck what are you gonna do?" Christian mumbled.
"I'm done, I just want to be with Jesse, I keep tip toeing around Her feelings and I'm sick of it, why can't I just fall in love with my best friend like you did." Clinton ended his rant and before anyone could speak he exited the room. "He's got it all wrong." Christian mumbled more to himself.

"What do you mean he's got it all wrong?" Mitchel raised his eyebrows as he put on his sweatpants.
"Nothing." Christian tried to push it past him but Mitchel wasn't having it. "No Kras what part of that was Clint wrong about?" He huffed.
"The 'why can't I just fall in love with my best friend like you two' part." Christian put air quotes around that part as Mitchel was beyond confused.

"I mean don't get me wrong Mitty I have I have feelings for you I just don't know what it is, and each time we Uh, you know, do it, it make me feel dirty. Like I love it but it just doesn't feel right." Christian tried to explain his feelings as Mitchel got out of his bed and Christian sighed knowing he was about to blow up.

"Are you kidding me?! I broke up with my girlfriend for you, we fostered a kid, we keep having sex, we did all of that together and your not sure how you feel? Well fuck you talk to me when we feel the same because Christian I love you and you fucking know that!" Mitchel screamed as Christian swallowed hard as Mitchel stormed out of his room.

                Fuckkkkkk all I ever do is get played I tried to be the person that everyone wants to be, happy smiley and soft but Fuck it, I'm not going on tour with the emotion manipulater

Christian rolled his eyes while reading Mitchels text.

Trouble in paradise?

                          I think trouble is a understatement. Here I am giving my 110% to Christian and what does he hit me with "oh I don't know if I feel the same" like really dude, if you didn't feel the same you wouldn't keep sucking me dry.

          He was my best friend the guy I could turn to for this type of advice. I felt like I was free when I was with him. I was generally really happy. And believe it or not I don't feel that way too often.

I think you're blowing
Things out of proportion

Maybe he is the one who's being
The smart one.
Could you really see yourself married
To him and having kids with him and
Growing old?

              Yes you dumb fuck, why do you think Im wasting my time with him, because I fucking love him. I love Christian and it hurts knowing he feels 'eh' about me

I think you
Need to take a deep
Breath and forget about Christian
For a while
It might be good for health

           You know what you're right. Imma show him how much I don't need him

That's not what
I meant 🙄
Read 2:21 am

Mitchel plugged in his phone and texted Jordan.

Hey wanna hang?

                     It's like 2:30am Mitchel what do you want

Well fuck just wanted
Some company

                      What is Christians company not cutting it anymore


So see you at my
Place in ten?


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