Bounties Of Beastly Bastard Boys Ch:5 p.2-Breakouts & Breakdowns-

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Title: Bounties of Beastly Bastard Boys

Chapter: 5 part 2: Breakouts & Breakdowns.


Picture/Music: For the theme and feel. {Picture for this is the cover}

Comments: A WANT to the need…

Misha’s P.o.V. entitled “Forgetting isn’t as easy as forgiveness…itself.”

Meanwhile… Nix’s team “The Family” Get’s the news of the explosion. The media hungrily eats’ it up like children knowing they’ll get candy on Halloween. They want more; they love all this high suspense and tension. But they all ask the same questions… Repeating and overall making a story out of nothing.

I rush over running in my nightgown at two in the morning. Knocking heavily on my master’s door. I'm worried once I got off the phone with “The Family” I know in my heart that something in Nix snapped. As I bang’s pounding on his door. I try to think over the following weeks. How Nix has altered in his persona and altogether demeanor. No longer acting like a child but an adult a,… man.

As I shake myself awake his door unlocks automatically with a voice recognizing machine.

“Finally!” I shout to myself.

I pause to see him in such disarray breaks my heart a little. He’s counting on an asshole to make his world again. Iover thinkto myself. Joining him on the bed he stoically watches and silently listens to the big screened television. His expression nonchalant and unfazed from all this.

I hold his cold hand as it responds to my touch with a greeting grasping my fingers intertwining them with his. He turns up the volume and he carefully observers the story. Already acknowledging what he has done to the hotel. The reporter a petite red headwith hazel golden eyes gravely talks as if what happen was a mere theft at a gas station and nothing else.

“What will this mysterious man of danger do next..? What extreme measures will he take in the sake of notoriety and fame…? The calling cards this time now sound less threatening… Almost as if, he’s flirting with all this attention-”

She pauses for I suppose a dramatic motion and inhales.

“There were 250 casualties from women, men, to children. Today at the Romantic’s and the only reminds of the building itself were a burnt picture.. More importantly a note was indeed found inside an employee’s mouth.. It reads.. {Kissed me to screw me and I’ll kill you because it’d hurt to say goodbye. To my Bastard Beloved..} We don’t know what this means but reports are connecting this criminal with his own twin brother.. Nix..-”

Abruptly the T.V. goes black and dully fades quickly turning off.. I turn looking Nix over he hasn’t moved since the report. He exhales wiping his red-rimmed eyes.. I whisperto him gripping his hand tighter.. Throwing the remote at the wall in anger.

“We’re not watching this anymore Nix, its sick for you.. And tormenting for me..”

He lets go of me pushing his black mess of hair back gleaming to himself.. He slide’s off the bed dressing himself with shaky fingers. I near him facing him as he clasps and fiddles with a button unable to connect it to its counterpart. I help him staring intently at him.. I hold his cheek in my face and he closes his eyes slowly relaxing..

“What’s wrong with you Nix your not acting like yourself.. “ I worryingly say.

He hum’s ever so softly blocking the rest of the world out from us..

“I.. I am truly lost Misha.. He’s a monster but I know.. I just know that he’s not doing this.. For himself.. I feel it.. “

“In your gut.. ?” I question him.. With an overfill of anger.. At his own denial of his brother’s corruption and wickedness… He laughs to himself shifting away from me. Pulling us apart somehow with the motion.

“You.. You, don’t understand.. It Misha.. Please leave me alone I need to think..About what's happening around me.” My anger boils at his unwillingness to talk to me.. I am flabbergasted and speechless.

“I,.. How CAN I? When you never talk to me anymore.. About ANYTHING.. Nix you can’t guard yourself.. It doesn’t protect you.. It hurts you and everyone around you..!” I scream at him.. Infuriated.

“I am more than a servant or a friend to you and you.. Know it.. You can’t deny it.. From yourself and me! “ I come close to him but he flinch’s away looking out the window.. Like what I am telling him is nothing important.

“Fine, you can act this way but I know how you really are and you cannot fool me..” I storm out fuming.. And on the verge of breaking down.. Without thought.. I utter to myself and him..

“If I don’t matter to you.. Then you don’t matter to me.. I quit!” and before the son of a bitch can speak I slam the door running to my room.. Grabbing anything within my messy mascara sight and storm out of the estate without notice.. Slamming the door behind me as if to yell that I am not coming back. Ever.

Nash’s P.O.V. entitled ”Created more for useless meanings..”

It starts pouring down hard as I run across the street. Looking both ways for the cars.. Those damnable cars that keep those pathetic souls warm and safe inside for now. I take off my shirt not sacred to show off my kick-ass bod and the scar’s that come with it. I wipe my face carefully examining my foggy atmosphere that’s somewhat deserted and barren. Soon a I spot it, a dry place of protection.

I slicked back my hair running towards it an old looking classic homely diner. When I peer through the vague glass and there she is.. The little fragile porcelain doll. She’s unmistakable with that jet black hair and ghostly complexion.. Her eyes averted as she seemingly listens to the latest broadcast of my dastardly deeds..

She looks like shit but I can’t resist especially in the position she’s put her self in.. So I do what any genius idiot would do. I enter and go to her like I am hers soaked to the bone and shirtless. I watch as everyone stops to stare at me with disapproving or curious gazes. Some linger at me giving me the once over while others grin and flirt with their mouths or eyes.. Young perversions.. If you ask me.

I breathe in her ear nearing her.. I utter an a inhale.

“Hey darling, what are you waiting for..?”

She’s solemnly and quietly giggles.. Brushing her hair away from her face.. She glances at me not shocked at all. She slowly sips her tea pays the check and grabs my hand like were a couple.. Boldly staring at me she gives off this wonderful wide grin.. Planting a hand on my bare chest she exhales speaking to me. She’s got me captivated.. breathless..


And With that were gone walking towards my destination.. This one single moment, is truly priceless.. I suppose.

Author’s Love fucking Note: Well here we go this is the second part for the three part split. So here’s the must knows for you and I 1. What did you over all think of this..? 2. Did you like the music, picture, title, and entitlements of all characters..? 3. What did you think of Nash, Misha, and Nix’s in this chapter..? Once again that’s all and thanks for reading!

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