(Part 3) Burning Memory

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Just as (Y/N)'s mom turns on her to ask, the doorbell rang.

“Here. Let me go get that for you.” mother smiles at everyone, patting my knee as she gets up to check to see who was at the door. Maybe it was the pizza guy? When she exits the living room, (Y/N)'s mom turns her gaze on me; almost showing a bit of a glare, a look I knew too well.

My eyebrows raise a bit, my wide eyes making (Y/N) squirm in her chair a bit nervously.

Awe fucking hell, I thought.

“So. What's the special occasion? Why are you wanting to be with our daughter? Sex? Drugs? What is it?” Her mother says openly.

Father listens with a growl.

“My son was raised better than to chase after those things.” Father glares at her mother— only to make (Y/N)'s father glare back.

“It's a simple question. No need to get hostile over it.” Her father says. My eyes widen more as I chuckle nervously, butting in.

They didn't know my dad that well; I didn't want them ending up on his killing list.

“I don't want (Y/N) for anything, other than to love and get to know her better. She's a special girl to me. I've never felt anything like this before... You could say... She stole my heart. Forever.” I give them a charming smile— one to make her mother blush, backing off immediately.

“O-Oh! I'm so sorry, ” She says embarrassed, looking at her daughter who's face is red as a tomato. She's giving her mom that please stop talking look.

Father coughs into the tissue he's been holding this whole time that was balled up. I mentally frown at this, worried for him. Why was he so sick? Did he get the flu? I hope not.


“I'm fine,” Dad says in a strangled voice, making me clear my throat.

“Is everything okay? Do you have to leave? We can reschedule th-”

“No. I. Am. Fine.” Father snarls, coughing again. I peal my gaze off of him to plant them back on (Y/N), but she was getting up, heading the direction my mother went.

My eyes followed her as she seems to be suppressing a smile and avoiding my eyes. Hm. Women are so hard to understand at times. I sigh softly, resting my elbow on the arm of the couch as the living room fills with a drowning, cringeful, awkwardness that would suffocate anyone with just one whiff.

Maybe that's what is wrong with dad! I mentally laugh at that, accidentally chuckling out loud.

My father raises an eyebrow at me, trying to contain his coughs. I just smirk at him, shaking my head in a "no" manner. Dad rolls his gr— what? I stare longer to see the color in his eyes draining.

My heart drops. No. Come on. Out of everyone in the whole world. You chose my father?! Anger floods me as I flew up out if my seat, helping my dad to his feet without any explanation.

(Y/N)'s parents stood up in alarm and went to help me, worry in their orbs. I growl and move my dad away; he was leaning on me now.

What the hell did you eat?! I mentally groan at my dad's weight upon me.

“What's wrong?! Is he okay?!” (Y/N)'s mother asks, going into some weird state, almost that of a nurse. Was she a nurse? If she is... Then she may know what's wrong with my father as well.

I can not have that.

She may have her husband kill my father and take (Y/N) away from me. “He's fine. Just very sick. I'm sorry but we have to le-”

(Y/N) and my mother came into view, blocking the exit with the pizza guy still there. But they were headed this way.

“Son, what's wrong with hubby?” Mother asks with a sad, concerned look. I look at her with warning in my eyes, a hint of fear in them.

In that instant.

Mother knew.

She knew everything she had— other than me —was gone; soon to be anyway. Not even thinking, mother sets the three extra pizza boxes in (Y/N)'s hands as she apologizes to her.

“I'm so sorry to be rude... But my husband needs to see a doctor.” Mother tells her.

What (Y/N) said next made both mother and I hesitate.

“Mom is a nurse, maybe she can see what's wrong?” (Y/N) suggests, raising an eyebrow in confusion and curiosity.

“We can't. We've already ruined the evening gathering. It's perfectly fi-” She cut me off.

“I insist.” She says as her mother came rushing up, her husband right on her heels.

“Can I take a look at him? Please. We have medication if he needs any.” Her mother presses. I felt a strange anger rising in the air around mother and I.

They didn't know nor did they need to know what was really wrong with father.

“It's fine, really. Let's go, son.” Mother turns to hold the door open for me as I carry father over to the exit and away from the suddenly crowded area, but...

An inhuman growl escapes father as I gasp softly, shaking. I gulp down the lump forming in my throat as I try moving faster, but damn if (Y/N) didn't want to help.

“Let me help you.” She says while moving over until her mother holds an arm over her; a small serious look lashed out onto (Y/N), making her stop in her tracks.

“I've got it.” Her mother says in a serious tone. Her instincts seem to be taking over her.

Damn it, I mentally curse.

Father growls again just as her mother comes up. She went to help me escort my father out the house, but it was the gravest mistake of her life.

Contained For You [Yandere! Zombie Boyfriend X Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon