His Discovery Of You

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As the furious sounds of the horde fade, you feel the air change.

Did this zombie take you into a building? No, impossible. Zombies don’t have a sense of direction. That is just crazy.

But, then again...

The zombie stops after a few more yards of running and throws you onto the ground like a sack of potatoes. Then, it starts to pace. As if it might be... thinking?

You stand and take this opportunity to inspect him closely. You see he still has a full head of hair, all of his limbs and no limp. His skin is okay. It wasn't peeling off in chunks as it did for most the other zombies It was just so, so pale.

He doesn't smell too bad either. His face is relatively intact— maybe even pretty. Except for the tear in his cheek. But, that might have been done while he was alive. Or while he was dying.

He must be the new guy.

That explains why he can speak and "think". His brain must not realize its dead, yet. Poor thing. The boy. Not the brain.

He stops pacing to stare you down. “Name.”


“NAME!” He snarls.

You yip and back away into the corner farthest away from him. “(Y-Y/N)!”

He makes a sound that might be a chuckle. "( Y-Y/N )", he mocks.

“(Y/N),” you snap, forcing your voice steady. “Kind of hard to be literate with something trying to eat me.”

Before you even see him move, he was in your face again— fists planted on the walls by your head so that you are trapped in the cage of his body.

“Someone... ” He growls. His eyes are cold enough to freeze hell. “Not something.”

Your heart races in your chest as you stare up at him, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"I- I didn't mean to offend you... D-Don't... kill me." You feel a single hot tear spill down your cheek. His eyes follow it with an intensity that sets your face aflame.

“I wonder...” His voice is barely a whisper as he leans into you. "... How you taste." You feel his lips brush your skin, soft as a feather. He pulls back and licks them, savoring the salty taste of your tears. Of your despair. “ Delicious.”

You shiver.

Uggghhhhhhh how the hell did I get into this situation?!

Then you hear something-- something faint.

Ba-bump... Ba-bump

The zombie gasps and clutches his chest, his eyes wide. He stumbles back.” Wh-What the hell... did you do to me?”

You just blink at him.

He pounces on you again-- and wildly, he blurts, “Let's make a deal!”

((A/N: Edited by: TheAesthetic_Edits))

Contained For You [Yandere! Zombie Boyfriend X Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu