Chapter 40

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Samantha's P.O.V

"This is going to be your last check before the babies come." The midwife says, and I nod my head. I can't believe they're almost here. Any time now I could give birth. I don't even know how to feel. Happy? Scared? Nervous? Anxious? Emotions running through head, making my hands get sweaty.
"Are you feeling ok?" She says.
"Yhh." I say while shuddering, "I'm just nervous."
"It wouldn't be normal if you wasn't nervous and that's common for first time mothers." She says. I nod and wipe off the jelly on my belly and put my top back down.

Valentina (Lele) stands in the corner of the room smiling.
"These last few weeks you have to be you're calmest and not have that venganza of yours in your head." She says.
"I ain't making no promises." I state, getting off the bed, grabbing my bag while saying goodbye to the midwife.
"Have you heard anything from Marcel yet?" She asks.
"No, not yet but I know he has completed the plan." I say.
"Wow you're really confident about him." Valentina says.
"It's cause he know they deserve everything I have in plan for them." I say.
"And how do you plan on getting Klaus back." She says.

I smile at her evilly. "There's a woman in New Orleans and Klaus is very fond of her. I can tell her has feelings for her but doesn't want to admit it." I say.
"I'm guessing it's another blonde." She says and I nod.
"Does he have a thing for blondes?" She says.
We finally made it to the entrance of the hospital and was walking towards the car door.
"He dated one ginger head called Genevive, she was an absolute annoying bitch and he got a brunette pregnant. You can base your judgement on that." I say, opening the door and coming in slowly, minding my bump.

"And what are you planning to use the girl for." She asks. I told her what I was planning to do.
"What was her name again?" She asks.
"Camille but they call her Cami." I begin, "the only problem with this plan is that Marcel likes her."
"Doesn't Marcel have a thing for Rebekah." She says while turning on the car.
"That story is very complicated. And you already know how it goes." I say.
"What you're planning to do to that girl, do you know how it's going to affect Marcel." She says.
"The thing is, this girl doesn't have feelings for him, I can tell she's going to fall for Klaus and that's what's going to make it even more tragic."I say.

I knew Klaus would be fond of her ever since I came to New Orleans. I knew she was pure and I definitely knew it would intrigue Klaus sooner or later. Once I use her to get Klaus back, I will repair anything that I had done to her. I have to seem ruthless to them, so they don't suspect any act of mercy from me. I was going to beat them at their own evilness. I was going to better them. I can't wait to see the look on their faces once I've finished with them.

"Even though, I don't wish bad upon people. They really deserve what's coming. What are you going to do if the people involved in your plan dies, like the Camille girl." She says.
"I'll bring them back. The only people I really want to die is them. If anyone else dies that I never liked, I guess they'll be collateral damage." I say.
"I guess you're planning to kill Hayley then." She says.
"I never said that."

Elijah's P.O.V

"It's been a while since we've heard from Rebekah." I say.
"Maybe she's just enjoying her new body." Kol says.
"But she would've called." I say.
"Well you're forgetting that she's a big girl now and why aren't you also worrying about Finn." Kol says.
"He made his bed by siding with his mother and now he can live how he pleases, we're not going to stop him. He's free." Klaus says.
"And can I be granted that freedom." Kol says.

"You're free to stay here." Klaus says.
"Well all this talk made me hungry I'm gone to feed." Kol says, getting up and heading towards the door.
"Hey Kol, get me some food. I like them young and feisty." Klaus grins.
"Is a blood bag not sufficient for you brother." I say looking at them with disgust.
"At least I now my prey is living, pumping fresh blood, you're drinking blood from the dead." Klaus says.
"Living or not, it's still blood and gives us the strength we need." I say while reading my book. Klaus rolls his eyes.

"Don't be too long." Klaus says while Kol disappears. Klaus turns his head to look at me.
"I don't trust him." He begins.
"What?" I say.
"I don't trust him." He insists.
"Well you don't trust anyone Niklaus, I'm not surprised you don't trust him." I say.
"But I feel like he's hiding something. In fact, he's hiding somethings. I know whatever he's hiding is probably big." He says. I look at him unsatisfied.
"Don't give me that look Elijah because if something big happens or has already happened don't say I didn't say so." He says.
"If it'll make you feel less paranoid, I'll follow him around for a month and if nothing happens..."
"I was just being paranoid." He says.

Klaus sits on a chair opposite me.
"Make sure you follow him good brother, because once I have a suspicion on someone hiding something, it will take me a very long time for me to turn it off." Klaus says.
"Wait, you're actually being serious." I say.
"You thought I was joking." He says.
"What do you think he could possibly be hiding?" I say.
"Something big. Something he would never want us to know. That's why you have to follow him around even if it's at the centre of the Earth. Follow him."

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