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A/N :

Before anything else i would like to take this moments to thank all of you, eapecially to you speckypeace thank you for the comments. I love you.



This is one of the best thing happened to me, not only because i have picture of Gun on my wallet but also this is the first time we had a serious date, movie date to be exact

But all things shattered when he brought me back to hell, yes i call it hell because he brought me back to my family, to my father.

I tought that he undersrands me, the happy moments we had earlier is just a ACTING!, a LIE!, he used me!!

" welcome back my dear son" my father said as i entered the door.

I walked straight up to my room, right now i don't want to talk to anybody, im really hurt, i feel so betrayed

" hey, are you not going to hug your father?" My father said that caused me to stopped and stared at him

" what did you do to him?" I said

" what i didn't do anything, he is the one contacted me to get you back, he said that you are already a burden on his family" he said while walking near

" welcome back" he whispered on my ear

" no i don't believe you, i know that he will
Never do that to me" i said and pushed him

" here listen to this one" he handed me his cellphone " you can listen to our conversation that time"

I took the phone and played the recording that he was talking about

" yes. Please take him back, he is just a big burden to us. I don't even know why he stayed with me, i don't even know him in the first place.. and also i already have my boyfriend, Oab is getting jealous right now.. Off is not helping me either.. and also please tell him not to see me, i don't want him to be part of my life ever again" He said and ended the call

My eyes started to water, i immediately wiped it and folded my fist

" see now you believe me?" He said

" no i know that this is not real, i know that he cant do this to me" i blurted

" oww.. here you can watch this video as well" he said and handed me his phone again

This time this is a video of Gun, i can see how sad he is, how swollen his eyes are

" Hi..Off.." he started, i can feel the sadness through his voice, his eyes are swollen, it looks like he just finish crying

" do i look pretty on the screen" he said and laugh, i can't help but smile

" yes baby you are " i answered

" uhhmmm" he cleared his throat

" how do i start this.. uhmm i'm sorry..i guess i'll start this with SORRY, why? Because i lied to you, because i used you, i'm sorry for lying and for playing your feelings, i don't know what are real realtionship for the past 6 years but i don't want to remember it.. really.. i know you have a lots of questions on your head right now, but i just want to tell you that" he took a deep breath before continuing to talk, i can see the water that's alsmost crawling done to his lashes

" i just want to tell you that i'm sorry, i really don't know you, and i don't want to remember you again, i fooled you and its so stupid of you to believe my lies." He laughed, i know that he was just faking his laugh but why the hell i feel hurt inside me. "And please don't be mad to your father he didnt do anything about this, this  is my decision, by the way thank you, thank you for staying on my side for the past days but now i guess, i need, we both need to part our ways, frankly speaking i feel so disgusted when i slept with you,its not good to me, its not good to my boyfriend Oab, yes.. he is my boyfriend for almost a month now, i'm sorry for fooling you again, just forget us, i don't want a piece of trash like you to meddle in my life"

" Gun babe come on down... were running out of time, the movie is about to start" I heard a guy's voice

" coming down babe" Gun answered

" again sorry for lying to you.. and if ever that we see each other again, let's act normal okay.. let's act like we don't know each other let's act like strangers... bye" he said and turned the video off.

My eyes.. my eyes are starting to water but i immediately wiped it

" that son of a bitch.. i loved him.. but he lied to me..!" I shouted, my face is burning red right now, i want to punch him, i want to hurt him just like the pain that he is causing me right now

" see i told you. You should have believed me in the first place son" my father said

I returned back his phone and walked straight to my room, right now i don't want to talk to anybody. Im hurt.

" FUCK!!! I shouted then shut the door loudly

" FUCK!!!!! What the hell??? Why do i need to be this stupid, why i didnt see it from the start!! Argghhh" i punched the wall non stop until my hand  started to bleed, but i dont feel anything, it's like my whole body is heart my body is numb

" i loved you... i really do love you but why... why...." i took my phone out from my pocket and throw it on the wall, it crashed into million pieces instantly, i pull out the bracelet that Gun gave me earlier, i was about to throw it as well, when i saw a piece of small paper sticking out from it, i opened it and read the letter

" i'm sorry for everything, thank you" it was written there, i stared at the bracelet with " offgun" our name engraved on it.

" what's this.. huh.. what's the meaning of this?.. what's the use of this one? You just played me. Fooled me" i  crumpled the paper and throw it on the floor with the box of the bracelet i don't need that.

I wiped the tears on my eyes and stood up.

" you shown your true color Gun, let's see who'll win"

I took the bottle of beer from my fridge and gulped it instantly.

" i promise that starting tomorrow.. you are just nothing on me" i whispered on the wind.


Stronger Off indeed???

😭😭😭😭 how was this chapter? Hahaha

Thank you guys love you all 😘😘😘😘😘

MASKOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara