Parents Decision

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" NO I WILL NEVER DO THAT!!" i shouted and throw my phone off the floor

My parents called and insiting me to fulfill their wishes againsts my will and its fucking hell, like what the fuck is going on with them.

Instead of  thinking that stupid shit i went back to our room where my baby is sleeping peacefully, i stood up infront of him calculating his appearance and how did the heck i fell in love with him. His soft  and pouty lips is attracting me to bite and suck it, his  cute small eye and long lashes that i want to take good care and dont want to let tears come out from it.

The weather today is not good and i think it has typhoon the rain pours very heavy the  wind blows strong so i decided to lay down and hug him from the back.

I woke up from the kick that i felt from my butt. He is very mad and irritated because my phone keeps on ringing non stop

I stood up and picked it from the floor as i open it i saw hundred text messages and missed calls coming from my parents.

" Unknown number" i blurted out to my baby pulled him and kissed him

Instead of kissing me back he pushed me
" i need to take a bath im smelly and your orgasms are still on my body" he said and acted like he was about to vomit any moment now at first i was shocked on his actions and words and after that i burst out laughing he even handed me a used tissue "here you take good care of your babies" he added and we laughed in chorus

This little man is really something, i asked him many times if he wants to have a sex change so that we could have a family but he dont want to, he always answers me with either " he dont want to add sin" or "  he is already happy on what and who he was" besides in the first place i loved him for what and who he was.

I pulled him and kissed his forehead.

There are things that we need to face, life, love, family but as long as we have each other i know myself that we will go through it.

After taking a bath and having fun inside the bathroom i decided to walk outside first, im only wearing my lilo and stitch designed boxer shorts which Atthaphan bought for me last month for our monthsarry, speaking of celebrations next week will be our 7th year anniversary.

As i sat down  beside Krist i hurriedly asked their opinion on how to surprise my baby.

"Wheres Gun?" Singto asked

" still taking a bath, " i answered him

" so mung what do you think?, should i ask him to marry me ?" I blurted out

" i dont know, its up to you mung, but if your going to ask me i prefer to bring him home first and introduce him to my parents, just like what singto and i did"he said and held singtos hand below the table.

" tsk, how about you tay what do you think?" I moved my eyes and faced tay and newwie busy munching their foods

"Well..( cough)" he coughed and gestured me a wait-a-minute hand

Newwie handed him a glass of water, after he gulped it he suddenly speaked

" well for me, actually thats a nice idea, asked him to marry you but the idea of krist is way better, you should introduce him first to your parents and he needs to introduce you
to his family too "he said and continued eating

I just released a smile and nod in response

How am i going to do it, my parents is doing something that might hurt both of us in the future. I think i dont have courage to do it.

my baby went out smiling, after he and singto talked to Fiat and Oujun over the phone

" how are they?" I asked him after he sat next to me

" they are still doing well" he said and drink his milk

We continued eating.

My head is full of questions and i need lots of answers.

December 16 2019 thats too fast, why do i need to face this problems, what am i going to do?

I didnt notice that my mind is already floating i returened from my senses when my baby poked my tummy.

" wha— what was that?" I suddenly asked him

We are sitting in the living room while watching Gun and Singto's favorite korean drama

" mung can you replace the movie?, i dont feel watching that" Newwie uttered

" yeah right, i prefer 50 shades of gray" Tay added

" me too" i answered back

" you both go outside and watched on our room then" Gun narrowed his eyes on us

We just smile in return

Every scene in the movie that we are watching is giving us goosebumps, the moment when the female character noticed that her time is filling up while his boyfriend's clock is decreasing, the moment that she needs to cut their relationship is like mine. The story is just like mine and Gun's, the difference is that they need to separate to save one's life while mine is i need to fullfill my parents will.

My love for him is unconditional, i cant live without his presence,im addicted to him, his scent his movements his silly attitude is like air that i cant live without.

It is a hard decision to choose between him and my parents.

Every single days that passes us, it feels like my time with him is decreasing too.

I know myself that i love him, i will do everything for him. But fighting my parents is not easy, in just a snap of a finger they can easily take away all the things i have right now my money, condominium and all the things i treasure and even my happiness.

But as i promise i will do everyting for him, even fighting my parents, i know that i might lose everything i have. But as long as i have my friends and my wife i know that i will survive.

My deciion is final. I know i will suffer but this is for me and for my own happiness as well.

A strong relationship starts with two people who are ready to sacrifice anything for each other and im ready im ready to sacrifice all that i have for him, for us and for our own happiness a true love is sacrifice. It is in giving, not in getting; in losing ; not in gaining
In realizing not in possessing; that we love.

I held and pressed his hands he was startled and stared at me for a couple of seconds and returned his eyes on the television screen

I promise to love you because love needs a heart where it can grow. Thrive. Dwell and blossom forever.


Ill be updating this stroy from now on, i wrote another story that i will use for the competition. Kindly vote for the both of them

P.s : the shooting for THEORY OF LOVE is already finished. The teasers are so freaking beautiful i cant wait to watch the whole series.

I bet it will be the biggest series for this year.

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