Puzzled dream

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I saw my own reflection sitting and huddled in the corner wiping the tears on my eyes.

Nobody knows the real me. Nobody knows how many times i've cried in my room when nobody was watching. Nobody knows how many times i've lost hope, how many times i've been let down. Nobody knows how many times I've left like i'm about to snap, but I just don't, for the sake of others. Nobody knows the thoughts that go through my head when I'm sad, how horrible they truly are. Nobody. Knows. Me.

I saw how messy i am on that picture until a hand came and offer me to stand up.

"baby i will be by your side, i will stay by your side, i will be you forever, i love you and i will always love you"

Who was that?

The sad face i once had become like a flower that blooms

"You are safe with me I promise. And  when you get scared :  look me in the eyes, hold me a little tighter and smile. Because i am not going anywhere" the man added

Why i can't see his face, why it's very blurry and why it's fading.

" all the disappointments, broken dreams and deep dark experiences will soon be forgotten and blotted out like a bad dream when the glorious dawn of Heaven arrives" the man said as he rubbed the back of my head.

What is this? What does this mean?

" hey gun" i heard a loud voices coming towards my location, i saw 6 shadows running towards my area, theyre face are blurry as well.

" we will always be by your side"

" we love you"

" we will take care of you"

I saw the care on their movements as they carry me and throw on the air like a happy kid.

The shadows began to fade as my surroundings began to light up, the bright light that hurts my eyes.

The light started to have a shadow on it, a person walking through it, carrying a bag wearing suit and glasses, i squint my eyes

" Daddy?" I shouted, i walked near him and hugged him tight

" I missed you so much" i said as i burry my face on his chest, i glanced and saw my favorite pet kemi standing at my side.

" kemi, you are here too" kemi is my favorite dog, I said as i hugged her ,she licked my cheeks while i kissed her non stop

" baby" i faced dad when he called me

" yes daddy?"

" do you want to come with us?, do you want to join is here?" He said

I was about to answer when i saw my own reflection playing with the shadows, laughing

I'm still confused on who they are, what they really mean to me

" dad, can i take this moments to be with you?" I said as i stare at him

" yes" he answered back

We are walking while continuing on telling stories about my life, about the things happened when i was still a kid and while i was still alive what wait still alive?

I stopped walking and call my fathers attention

" DAD!! Am i dead?" I asked him

" Not yet baby, right now you are on stage where in you will choose whether you are going to stay here with me or you are going ro go back to your life down there?"

I was stunned for a second when i felt a tap on my shoulder

" we are going to wait you there okay" the tall shadow said as they all fade away

" who are those Daddy?" I asked my father

" those are the reasons why you are happy"

" decide now baby, you should decide now, do you still want to go back down there or you are going to stay with us right now"

I still have dreams, and i still need to know who are those people, those shadows that keeps on bothering me.

" Dan i hope this desicion will not hurt me" i said and hugged him

" It will be a lesson for you" he answered back while running shoulders.

Daddy and Kemi walked on the light and their images slowly fade

I was left alone in the bright room when someone called me

" BABY" the voice came from the dark side of the room.

" come back, please i'm sorry" he shouted while sobbing.

" who are you?" I shouted back, but instead if answering i can only hear sobs.

I tried walking on his area when something pulled me, i tried my very best to pull back myself but, the force is powerful and stronger than me.

Where am i?

Is anyone here?


" welcome Gun, from now on you will be back to your life but all pains that you  experienced and reasons behind it will be lost to your mind, you can still bring it back once you slready accepted it whole heartedly" Daddy said

" what? Dad what are you talking about?" I shouted

Instead of answering he just smiled at me and fade again

What's the meaning of this?

" who are those people and what memories does my father keeps on telling me?"

I took a deep breath and  closed my eyes.


Yeahhh right 🤬🤬🤬🤬 the name KEMI is the name of my old friend, she is my close friend that betrayed me so i decided to add her on my story as a dog since she's so BITCH.. hihi i hope she's not reading this.

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