Dad and Decision

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I sat on the table while waiting for the main course for this evening, Mom texted me that they are on their way here.

My hands and knees are trembling, my sweat is flowing like rain drops.

I took the glass of water on the table and gulped it in a second

" Baby" i heard mom called me, i stared at her and to my dad who is staring at me differently

" what's the matter now?! Why did you call us this urgent!" He said in his decilish tone of voice

" I'll tell everything later" i sais and offered them a chair

Minutes pass when Jeed and her family arrived smiling.

" what are we going to do here?" Her father said, i waiid to them

" Off said that he has an announcement to make dad" Jeed said , i can see how happy she is.

" before we start let's order first"dad suggested

" that's great" Her sad said

Mom on the other hand is not talking nor making a sound i guess she can feel me right now, she held my hands below thw table and gripped it, a sign that whatever happens this night she will always be on my side, i gripped back and smile at her

" Hon, what do you like to eat" Jeed said

I didn't answer her back

" I called everyone here today to say something" I started talking

I saw them lift their heads up and stared at me

I took a deep breath

" I know that this might ruin my entire life" i stopped talking when dad interrupted me

" Don't start me Off!!" he saod and bangged the table

" Dad i know you helped me in everything, but i can't marry her" i said

" what!" They shouted in chorus

Right now my heart is beating louder and faster than the usual beat.

" What are you talking about?! We already discussed this issue right?" He said i can feel tha he is controlling his temper now

" Yes dad we did, but i already am in a relationship for almost 6 years now, i can't break up with..." i stopped talking when Jeed stood up

" That gay? So you are proud to tell us that you are in a relationship with that gay?" She shouted

I saw everyone in the restaurant eyed us, i saw the fire on my fathers eyes as well

" Off Jumpol! I didn't raise you just to be in a relationship with a man too"

" but i love him, dad, he made me change, he helped me to be a better version of me"

" no! Stop that stupidity, you will marry Jeed!"

" let's make thw wedding earlier, let's make the wedding the day after tomorrow" dad added

" but that..i" i stopped talking when his hands landed on my face

The soind of his hands that landed on my face echoed inside the restaurant

" don't let me take everything that i give to you Off he said as he pointed me!"

" Go Dad, take everything, i know you can do it, we all know you can do it, but you can never take my own happiness" i said and walked out

I saw mom tried to stand up to follow me but i stopped her, i don't want her to fer involved with this mess


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