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It's already 1 week and he is still not waking up, all of us are already stressed and scared on what might happen to him, earlier i discussed his condition with the doctor and he told me that he is not on critical stage now, but why still he's not waking up.

We are here inside his room still waiting for him to wake up, every seconds that pass us makes my heart hurt a million times, its all
My fault. If only i could turn back time, i would be strong to hold him tight.


I was awakened by the noise around me, i hear them talking about a guy hit by a car, i slowly moved my body and open my eyes to see who are this noisy people.

" HE's moving" i heard an unfamiliar voice

I opened my eyes completely and they all stood up and stand next to my bed.

" are you alright?"

" hey buddy"

" call the doctor"

They all said in chorus, i on the other hand look so stupid staring at them

I blinked my eyes before speaking

" sorry, who are you?" I said and pointed them 1 by 1

They were shocked and shut their mouths instantly

" doc" he can't remember us" the tanned man said

" hey buddy can you hear me?, can you follow this?" He moved his finger left to right

" Doc i'm fine" i said and movd my eyes heavenwards

" so who are this people in my room?, and what am i doing here?" I said and narrowed my brows

"MOM" i shouted when i saw my mother entered the door

" baby?you are awake already?" She said and run towards my side

I excitedly hugged her

" Mrs. can i talk to you outside for a while" the doctor said

They both went outside and i was left with this unfamiliar people keeps on staring at me , i took a glance on each faces and stopped on a tall man with a numb eyes staring at me with longing face.

" he can't remember us" i heard the other guy said

" GUN!" I heard a bang on the door and saw OAB breathing harshly

" what are you doing here?" The tall man said

" OAB?, is that you?" I said and called him for a hug

" how long it been?, i missed you so much" i said as i hug him, he hugged me back

Mom and the doctor entered facing us with narrow eyes

" who is that?" Mom asked me

" mom, this is oab, the one who helped me when i was hit by a broken bicycle, remember whne i was playing at the park and i was hit by a bicycle?, he helped me to clean my wounds" i said proudly

" that was 20 years ago, and that man is not Oab it was your father" Mom said

" mom what are you talking about, it happened last week only, right Oab" i pinched him

" are..errr. I guess" he said as he rubbed his head

" nevermind, so guys since everyone of you are here, i want you to know the situation of Gun right now, the doctor told me earlier that gun has a temporary memory lost and i think that he could only remember his family and " mom stopped when the doctor speak

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