365 days with an idiot

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6 months later....

Kiara's p.o.v

"I can't believe this, we are finally graduating. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?" I talk to Riven and link my arm with his and I feel so much excitement and energy in me and he just chuckles lightly at me.

It's been 6 months after my last talk with my so called father and after that visit, I've never felt better. It sounds harsh but my life feels as if it is worth living, I have an amazing family that consists of my two brothers, an amazing boyfriend and I get to go to my dream university, UC, university of California and I get to attend with Riven. The boys are doing so well in school and I'm so happy for them, Kian has a new girlfriend her name is Charlene and she's the loveliest and most innocent girl I've ever met and Jack and Caroline are still together and they've never been happier.

"Kiara, love, you ready?" Riven says holding my hand. We walk to where we are meant to be seated and the graduation ceremony starts.

It was just how I imagined it, Cameron dabbing as he gets his certificate, Stephanie squealing that she did it, Julia tripping because of her heals and Adrian blowing me a kiss and finally Riven's speech was coming up.

"Hello, family, friends, strangers, loved ones and teachers. High school was an amazing journey for all of us. We met new people, made new memories, we may have had our ups and downs but there was always someone to help pick up those pieces when another was broken. School was a long journey and I'm glad to get out of here and go to university and study to become a therepist, my dearest Kiara is going to study fashion designing and I know she will succeed just like the rest of my fellow friends and peers. Good luck in the future everyone, may the new chapter of our lives start from today onwards, CHEERS!"everyone yells and claps for Riven's speech and I can't help the smile that beams on my face. I'm so proud of him and how far he has come. How far we both have come.

He walks down from the stage and comes to me after the ceremony has finished. He cups my face and kisses me like there's no tomorrow. We pull away breathless and i engulf him into the biggest hug.

"Happy one year, my sweet" I say still hugging him.

"Happy one year, my love"

Everyone starts heading home and we leave as well. Right now we have just arrived at the apartment and walked in and I've taken off my heels and plop down on the couch. Riven comes and sits next to me and pulls me close to him and cuddles me.



"We are going out tonight so go and dress casual" I jump up and rush to the bathroom to get ready.


"7:30" dammit it's 6pm. Why does he do this to me? Someone tell me why?

I shower, blow dry my hair, brush my teeth again, curl my hair, apply mascara and pawpaw lip balm on and go to my closet still in my towel. I go and put on my under garments but a whistle stops me, I turn around and see Riven laying on the end with his arms behind his head, staring at me with the cheekiest little smile that makes his dimple pop out.

"Maybe we could stay the night in" he suggests wiggling his eyebrows and I laugh.

"Uh uh, no way, you made me rush to get ready so we are going out. Now shoo fly shoo shoo" I use my hands in a shooing motion for him to get the idea to get the frickity frick out and I go find something to wear. I go with black jeans with rips at the knees, a maroon halter top and my worn out converses. I then run to the lounge room and grab Riven's Tommy Hilfiger, navy blue jacket and throw it on over and I'm engulfed by his scent which is home to me.

I sit on the couch relaxing and watching tv and all of a sudden it turns off, I look behind me and see Riven holding the remote in his hands smirking. I look at him and he's wearing black jeans, a white nautica t-shirt, the same shoes as me and a black leather jacket, his hair is roughed and ragged like always and he looks absolutely so so so handsome and I'm so happy he is mine.

"Done checking me out?" He says crossing his arms and staring at me up and down.

"Done checking me out?" I say mirroring his action and raising an eyebrow. He laughs and we say goodbye to the boys and make our way out onto another amazing date.


365 days with this idiot.

I'm so lucky.

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