Triple chocolate chip cookies

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Riven's p.o.v

I arrive home and turn the engine to my car off. I walk inside and head to my room with a small smile still on my face.

"Riven, darling, is that you?"

I walk towards the kitchen and look at my beautiful mother baking her famous triple chocolate chip cookies. I give her a peck on the forehead and sit on a stool at the breakfast bar.

"How was your date, sweetheart?" She says the smile never leaving her lips.

"It was amazing. She's so beautiful and smart and she smells so nice and her lips oh my-"

"Okay sweetie I think I get the Jazz" she chuckles.

"I'm glad you're happy Riven , I've never seen you so happy ever since your sister was around" she says with a sad smile.

"I know mum, this girl is changing me for the best, I promise you" I say. She gives me a wide grin and kisses my cheek and hands me a plate of cookies.

"Thanks mum" she smiles and I walk upstairs to my room with a plate of my favourite dessert ever. I walk into my room and sit on my bed cross legged and turn my laptop on. My phone then buzz's and I check to see who messaged me and it was Kiara.

Oh what is this girl doing to me. I opened up to her and she wasn't afraid of me, I know I haven't told her what happened after but that secret is safe for now. It's for her own safety and I know eventually I'll have to tell her but right now we are in the early stages so i don't have to open fully. Right? I get another buzz and it knocks me back into reality when it's another message from Kiara.

Hey I had fun tonight :)
Thank you, i feel so grateful to have you <3
                       No problemo sweet, I should                    be the one saying thank you   
                       though 🙃                                                       I would love to hang out
with you again. ;))

I'd love that, talk details at school?

                                                  Sure thing, love
                   I'll let you rest now, goodnight   beautiful ❤️

Goodnight Riv, sleep tight ❤️❤️

I turn off my phone and put it on my bedside table, I munch on the cookies and savour the delicious flavours of the triple chocolate chip cookies, I then get an idea to take some to school tomorrow for Kiara.

That gorgeous and sweet girl and these triple chocolate chip cookies will be the death of me.

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