I made an 'oh' face and nodded, "So which performing arts university are you going to? I'm asking cause my friend goes to one too but he's majoring in dance,"

"Oh. Well, I'm going to the University of Music and Performing Arts. It's just a few minutes from here," he said as he placed the books back where it's supposed to be.

I internally screamed and couldn't wait to get out of here to call Jimin, "Oh nice. Well, nice meeting you, Yoongi!" I said before walking out.

Though, when I was walking out, I heard Yoongi yell, "How the hell do you know my name?" and a lot of people shushing him.

I face-palmed myself as I remembered we didn't introduce ourselves to each other and I called out his name. Great, now he thinks I'm a creep. I hope I never see him again.

I switched on my phone and went through my contacts. Once I saw Jimin's contact, I pressed call while I walked to the garden.

"Hello, Jiminie!"

"What?" he snapped and I frowned, is he still mad at me because of the Yoongi thing? I thought

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked in a quiet voice but he still heard me

I heard him sigh before saying, "I'm sorry, Kookie. I blew up for no reason. I know you were just teasing me,"

"I'm sorry, hyung," I said as I felt guilty for teasing him, "I won't tease you about Yoongi anymore,"

"It's fine, Kookie. Why did you call me for?" Jimin asked and I smiled

"Guess what? Yoongi goes to the University of Music and Performing Arts," I said as I smirked, expecting a scream from the other side of the phone

"No way, you're kidding me, right? Jungkook! You just told me you won't tease me about this anymore!"

"Hyung, I'm not teasing. It's true! I just asked him," I said and I brought my phone away from my ear just in time when Jimin screamed his lungs out

"This is destiny! I'm going to the same university as my beloved Yoongi," he said as he squealed

"Yeah! And you're starting tomorrow, right?" I asked as I sat on the bench, "I'm relieved now that I know you won't be alone,"

"But he still thinks I'm a weirdo though...." he trailed off

"Hey, it's fine! You have the chance now to change that," I said as I tried to cheer him up and it worked

"Yea, you're right. I'll make Yoongi see how much I love him! Bye, Kookie! I love you,"

"Yea, yea. Bye, hyung."

I ended the call and turned around to scream my lungs out. Right there, standing in front of me was none other than Min Yoongi. He was glaring at me while his arms were crossed. I am telling you, people, he can make people shrink just by his glare.

"Done talking behind my back?" he growled and I almost peed in my pants

"I-I u-uh-" I stuttered and Yoongi interrupted

"You better tell me who you are and how you know my name or else I'll fucking shove my fist up your face that you won't be able to see the world anymore,"

I was so fucking scared that I actually started crying. I didn't want to be punched by this guy and I felt I would actually die just from his punch and so I started weeping. He looked surprised for a moment until a voice interrupted, "What the fuck did you do to him?"

I recognised that deep voice right away and turned around to find Taehyung furiously glaring at Yoongi. Both of them were just trying to kill each other with their glares.

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