Into The Morning Light (Luck Voltia)

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...Okae well this one's probably gonna be kinnnda short, my shorties !

Luck x Fem!Reader

Guess I should also give a WARNING for implied sexual antics and like ...1 swear LMAO

I swear if I could marry this man...

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Luck was a battle obsessed, crazed even, yet strangely playful guy. Many people knew this about him already. What they didn't know however was that when he was asleep, he'd liked to hold onto something, be that a pillow, a stuffed animal, or another person, namely (F/n). They also didn't know, or at least she wagered so, that his body naturally got pretty cold when he wasn't bouncing around from fight to fight. Often times he'd either, consciously or unconsciously,  gravitate towards (F/n) and just hold her, run his fingers through her hair, a hand across her thighs, or just trace circles into her back. Yea, his hands got pretty restless at times.


Another thing that most probably didn't know was that Luck Voltia was most definitely not a morning person...

Calloused fingers that were previously curled into her stomach began to twitch, letting (F/n) know that her lover was stirring awake. The even breaths on the back of her neck soon grew uneven as the warmth pressed against her back began to shift.
Finally having enough wiggle room, she moved onto her opposing side, her left side, so she faced him. Her breath damn near gave out on her when she saw the peacefulness of a barley waking Luck blinking himself awake.


Her voice came out a whisper and a smile ghosted his sleepy features before he pulled her close once more, burrowing deeper into the warmth of the comforter. His breath was so warm against her neck.

"Too more hour."

His voice was heavy and just a bit hoarse with sleep as he drifted back into unconsciousness. She smiled slightly and sleep overtook her once again, sun blanketing over them soothingly.

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Edited as of 6/1/2020

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