15 Ways To Show Your Love

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Kara's P.O.V

Show love.
Im not really sure.
When you are not sure what to do, you ask the most reliable source!
Google it.

So I googled and alot of things shows up mostly for partners but I want to see sometimes in general.

And I saw this article : 15 Ways to Show your Love.

It didnt say family, partners or friends.
This is what Im looking for!


"Right, Do you remember Stella? Our Neighbor that gone to Japan? Her mother told me she wants to know your social media name so I gave it to her. She told me you are really good at teaching. What did you teach her?"

I write on the paper.

'Nothing. Continue talking Ill listen.'

Mom smiles but its a bit restrain. I, her daughter requested Mom to talk and Mom has been talking non stop but I dont answer and just write on the paper as a reply.

What happen to her last night? Is she still minding it?--is what Katherine thinks.

"Oh, your Dad called last night. You are sleeping soundly so I picked it up for you."


"Kara, you speak right now or I wont feed you Im telling you!"

"Sorry Mom."

#2  : Complain Without Accusing

"Uncle Ethan your car is small, it stink and its cramped...but Im not accusing you." I said blinking my eyes.

"Get out!" Ethan glares at Kara.

#3  : Keep your Promise

"Kara, good morning!" Penelope smiles and hook her arm around mine.
"So, how are you and your new fish on the aquarium?" She insist.

I dialled my phone.

"Hello Denver. Penelope wants to date you, are you available?"


"Oh. Okay. Sorry Pen. Denver is having a faculty meeting. He said dont be embarrassing. I think he made a mistake and put the speaker to loudspeak. Now everyone knows you two are dating!"

"Why did you call him!?" Penelope angrily growl.

"I promise you yesterday!" Kara smiles brightly.
Her fulfillment of her desire to share love is progressing good.

"I HATE YOU KARA! YOU UGLY! UGLY!" Penelope angrily run away.

Kara blinks.



"Hello,Brother Felix?"

"Where were you?"

"I slept at Mom's house."

"Come to my room when you get home."


"You better bring my favorite food. And also bake me.some cookies. And also buy me some gifts."


"Oh? Arent you cooperating nicely today?"

".....answering without arguing.." I grit my teeth.

"Then also sleep in my room! Youll be my pillow."


"Answering without arguing, remember?" Felix laugh triumphantly.

I felt abused.

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