Do not Think So

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Chapter 2

Katherine is happy that her daughter become more closer to her.

Kara become sweeter too that she clings to her so much.

"Tell me the truth? What happened at school?"

Katherine is worried that Kara is being bullied.

Kara is not a sweet child and she often blames her for not having a father.

So she is very happy she is opening up to her but this is really strange.

Kara pouts.

She is hugging Katherine's waist while she is washing the dishes.

Katherine's hand has still some bubbles on it.

Kara holds her mother's hand.

It is rough and cracked.

"From now on, I will wash the dishes."

Katherine is startled.

Kara never likes household chores and Katherine didn't force her.

"It is okay. Mother can wash the dishes. Just study well at school. Lately, you went home early after class, go have some fun with your classmate. If you need money then I will give you. Okay?"

Kara's eyes redden.

Katherine panics and get her wallet wetting her pants with the bubbles on her hand but she doesn't care as she takes two thousand and stuff it to her hand.

"Is that enough?"

Kara shakes her head and sniffs louder.

Katherine will give her child everything so she emptied her wallet and give her everything.

Kara slowly touches Katherine's hand and take her wallet and she stuffs the money back on it.

"From now on, you don't have to work at two jobs. I want you to rest when you can and buy yourself a lot of brand new clothes."

"What are you talking about? We are not rich. I have to work hard and bring you to a private high school."

"Mother, I can study at a public school."


"Then I will have a scholarship and you don't have to pay so much."

".....but your grades."

"I can still improve my grades. It's just the second quarter. If I improve my grades and be promoted to Class A in Grade 6 then my average can still be good. Then I will talk to Uncle Ethan to help me apply scholarship in his school."

"You don't have to do all that. Just enjoy your life and mother will provide for you."

Katherine is very touch but she doesn't want to touch her with her dirty hands.

"Mother, I want to enjoy more years with you. You are more important to me."

"Ofcourse we will be together!"

"Can you promise? You work so much that you don't sleep well. After work you will clean the house and cooked. Then you will work again at night. If this continue your body will be ruined. And you will die. You will leave me all alone."

Katherine was stunned.

She wipes her hands to the apron and touch the tears in her daughter's face.

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