France backed away and closed the door behind him, I plopped down on the bed. Finally some alone time, I don't have to be anxious about accidentally eating a pastry. I sigh and lay on my back staring at the ceiling and soon I felt drowsy due to my lack of sleep and eventually dozed off.


My eyes fluttered open as I was waken up by sounds coming from outside my room. I glance over to the clock, it seemed as if I had been sleeping for a good 3 hours. I sigh and get off my bed, as I walked closer to the door I could hear faint sounds of sobbing.

I quietly open the door and hide behind a pillar in the living room where I could see a view of the kitchen. To my surprise I saw France crying and talking to himself, "Why can't I make a proper pastry?" He sobbed. "I just can't.. what will people think of me when the secret is out.." he continued to sob.

I saw on the counter a bunch of ingredients, there was a trash can nearby filled to the brim with pastries. "Wait is France crying because he can't make an actual pastry?" I thought.

I decided to get a closer look and moved forward a little, unfortunately the floor boards made a creaking noise as I walked over. France's head shot backwards and came face to face with me, his eyes red from  all the crying with tears streaming down his face.

"Ah, I-I," He said as he wiped the tears off his face.

"I can explain I was just rehearsing for my play it's nothing reall-"

"France," I walked in front of him and looked him right in the eye, "Let's bake something together,"

"Wait wha- I can't! I-"

Before he could say anything I dragged him over to the counter where all the ingredients lay. I lifted up a few pieces of papers that were on the counter. It was the recipes, "These are pretty complicated but it's just what I would expect out of French pastries,"

I grab the bowl and the other necessary tools to make the pastries. I lifted the spatula on the table and pointed it at France, "You're going to help me bake these pastries!"

"But I cant really..."

"Don't worry, at least we'll have fun!"

I start by reading the recipes out loud and trying my best to follow the instructions.

I started to prepare the filling by whisking icing sugar and ground almonds while France took out the refrigerated egg whites. I ended up accidentally spilling everything on the counter, "Whoops," I nervously laughed. "Have you ever made pastries before?" He chuckled, "I have but not as fancy as these ones and besides I'm clumsy," I smiled at him. His face turned beet red as he chuckled and smiled at me, he went over and cleaned up all the mixtures I spilled.

Then he prepared some more of the ingredients, "here we do it like this," he grabbed both of my hands and stood behind me as he whisked the mixture. My hand were following his movements, it was fun to say the least and I learned a few things. We laughed together as we baked, and eventually popped the batch of pastries in the oven to bake.

+1 Relationship

"Phew, can't wait to see how the pastries come out," I wiped my sweat off my forehead.

France was in the corner with his hands gripping his neck tightly, he noticed I was looking at him so he forced a smile at me.

I just realized that what we did was how couples usually cook together, I blushed furiously at the fact. I covered my face with my hands, just then I heard a ding! The pastries were done. I grabbed for the oven handle only for my hand to be burnt by the over handle, "shit,shit,shit I forgot to use the mittens," I grabbed my burnt hand. France grabbed my hands and blew air to the burnt area, I blushed at this. "W-wha, what are you d-doing? The pastries are going to be burnt" I stammered in confusion.

France nodded and placed on his mittens and took the tray out, the room was immediately filled with the aroma of pastries. He placed it on the counter and went back to me, "I had fun today (Y/N), thank you, I don't think I've ever had as much fun in baking until today,"

"Forget the formalities let's taste the pastries," I walked over to the tray.

He tried to stop me because he was afraid that I would find out, but I ignored him and shoved a pastry in my mouth anyway.

It was delicious.

"France! This tastes awesome you should try one!" I handed over a macaroon to him.

He blinked in disbelief and reached out for the pastry in my hand, he took a bite out of it before eating the whole thing. "Mmmm this is indeed délicieuse!"

"You did most of the work, you're such a good baker!"

He blushed at my statement as he reached out for another pastry.

+1 Relationship

"(Y/N), after I divorced with Britain I couldn't make a single pastry taste good anymore, this is the first time in these few years that I'm able to make a good pastry,"

He took a deep breath,

"The truth is that these past few years I've been using human body parts to make my pastries, I can understand if you start to hate me,"

"France I won't hate you, everyone has been through hard times and now you've overcome your problems so you won't have to do anything bad anymore,"

He blushed and looked away,

"Je vous remercie,(Thank you)"

+1 Relationship


France offered to watch some cooking shows with me and I agreed. We sat on the couch as we snacked on some pastries we made just now.

France cuddled onto me, of course I blushed but just let him stay that way. It's not like he liked me anyway, I just helped him.

+1 Relationship

Eventually it was almost the end of the day and Britain finally came back for me. France walked me over to the front door and bid me farewell with a peck on my cheek. I burned a bright red color and backed away a little, "Don't worry (Y/N) that's just how French people say goodbye to guests, right France?" He said in a menacing tone and glared at France. "Hehe of course," he laughed.

Eventually I made it back to his car and sat up back this time, "So uh did you have fun?"

"Yeah France is a very nice person,"

"So uh due to some complications you'll have to stay with me again for Tomorrow, I'm sure we'll have it fixed in a jiffy,"

"Oh sure,"

"Some people are threatening to storm Area 51 and America is really stressed so the next country you were supposed to stay with had to help him out,"

"Oh and who might that be?"



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