Chapter 9

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The large doors opened to reveal a long oval table littered with chairs, the other end of the room was a giant glass window covering the whole wall. "Woahhh..." I stared in awe, the warm sunlight touches my skin and I look back at Britain. "So? What do you think?" He asked me, "I think this place is amazing!" I cheered.

"(Y/N) Chan!!!!!"

I turn around and saw Japan barreling towards me, Japan soon tackled me into a hug. "Ow ow, Japan get off me!" I try to push him away with no luck, I could notice a dangerous aura coming from behind me. I turn to see America behind me, "Japan what are you doing?" America lifted his sunglasses and narrowed his eyes at Japan. "You can't hog her to yourself America Kun," Japan said calmly with a devious smile, I of course didn't understand what they meant. "Would you two please stop quarreling so early in the day," Britain said in an annoyed tone.

Japan let go of me and walked back to his group of friends, "Are you (Y-N)?" I heard a voice speak. I find out the voice belonged to South Korea, "Ah, yes and you must be South Korea," I smiled at him. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm sure we can get along just well," south extended a hand. "Pleasure is all mine," I shook his hand, "I also really love your works, your k pop songs are a real hit in the human world," I added.

+1 Relationship

"Why of course! I am very talented indeed, but I still have bigger dreams to reach!" South enthusiastically exclaimed. I chuckled a little at South's enthusiasm, and let go of his hand, "So, tell me about yourself," south smiled at me. Just then America puts a hand on my shoulder, "The meeting is about to start, how about we save the introductions for later?" America said a little irritated.

South looks at America with a weird look on his face, "America I never though you'd actually take the meetings seriously!" South laughed as he skipped back to his brother which I was guessing to be North Korea. "Let's start the meeting shall we?" Britain casually smiled at me.

After every country sat at their respected seats, Britain started the meeting about my arrival. I sat next to America near the front while Britain stood up at the end of the table to start the meeting. "So, there's been a bit of an issue regarding a human girl that has somehow entered our world," Britain stated. There were murmurs from the crowd of countries as Britain continued on.

"America entered the human world without permission again and as a result.."

All the eyes in the room darted at the country sitting next to me, America just stayed silent and shrugged it off. "We need to find a way to transport her back so I'd like the help of Germany to do this," Britain glanced at the German country. "Wait why me?" Germany complained, "Because you're probably the smartest person in this room," Britain adjusted his monocle. Germany groaned and gave me a cold stare, what was that about?

The rest of the meeting was just discussing which county's house would I stay in for the following months. We also discussed my living expenses, throughout the whole meeting I could sense a country staring at me in an unfriendly way.

"Meeting dismissed!"

Soon Britain called over America,Canada,Australia and New Zealand, he seemed to want to discuss something with them.

"Hello (Y/N)" I heard someone say in an irritated manner behind me, "Hello Germany," I squinted at him. "What do you want?" I said harshly knowing that he doesn't like me, "Nothing I just wanted to see the human girl that happened to stumble across our world," he said while adjusting his glasses. "I don't understand why America and Japan like you, you seem pretty normal to me," He inched his face closer to mine. "America and Japan like someone else so there's no way they would like me, the person they like is impressive enough to make Japan stop chasing America, I'd like to meet them one day," I narrowed my eyes at him. Germany retreated his head and placed his hand on his head, "oh god I can't believe you are as dense as they say you are," Germany sighed. I ignored what he said, "Well if you have nothing important to tell me I might as well be on my way," I shoved him and walked away. As I walked away I could hear him mutter German curses under his breath.

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