"Really?? Oh- wow! Thank you guys so much!!"

"No problem!"

I didn't know what else to say since I was so happy. So I said thank you again, then I said bye and hung up. At last. I can finally find out who the mom of Veronica is. Maybe the agency bothered her too much to the point that she gave up and just let them get the information. It's not like I want anything from her. I just want to know who she is and maybe meet her. Because Richard is a fuck boy who just wants to dick me down every time he sees me and eventually wants to get me pregnant soon which I won't let happen. But he doesn't care about kids which is why I wanna see the other side of this whole story of Veronica. I mean I'm her mom. I'd love to know every detail about her.

It's Friday night, I'm with my favorite people. Veronica, Vanessa and Leah. Leahs sitting down while Veronica standing in between her legs while we watched Vanessa swinging the ball and throwing it to go down the lane.

"Yay auntie Nessa!!" Veronica says while clapping. "My turn". Ver says and pulls Leah with her. Leah squats down next to Veronica to guide her where to go.

Vanessa looks at me and I can read what's going through her head. I shake my head and look away from her.

"1...2..3!!" Leah says and Veronica throws the ball. She stands back and holds Leahs hand while they watched the ball roll. "Okay one more time" leah says. So they got the same ball after it rolled up to us and did another attempt.

"Good job mama!" I tell Veronica. Then it was my turn. I threw the ball onto the lane and let it roll but it just slid to the side. I heard laughter behind me so I turned around and it was Leah laughing with Veronica. "Hey!" I said. Leah holds her smile by covering her mouth. Then she gets up and walks up to me and helps me position myself.

I playfully punch Leah to back off since I looked like a fool but she just kept laughing. After I threw the ball again I immediately slapped Leahs arm playfully again but started to laugh with her. We kept laughing to the point that we were leaning into each other and pushing each other around.

"Okay lovebirds it's my turn" Vanessa says. "I- Please don't" I tell Vanessa and me and Leah went back to the seats. I was about to sit down but leah takes the chair I was already in the middle of making myself sit on so I accidentally sat on her lap.

"Lee!" I giggle and pushed her off. She pushes me back then I did the same. But I've always been the strong one and I made her fall off. She's still laughing and so am I. I sat down and reached my hand out to help her up and she just sat next to me. It's nice seeing her smile after what she's been going through. It looks like I'm the only one who can truly make her smile. Aside from Veronica.

The rest of the night was all fun and games. We went back to Leahs and Vanessa had to pee so bad so Leah let her in her house. Veronica played with Biscuit and me and Leah were just talking.

"So tomorrow I'll be here! Dress cute. We're gonna have so much fun" I said. "I will. Thank you for inviting me tonight. I haven't been this happy in a while"

"Of course" I smile and gave her a hug. Our hugs lasts longer as always. Then we pulled back but our faces unexpectedly stayed close to each other's that we both got caught off guard staring at each other's lips.

"I'm gonna have bruises now" she says cutting off the pause. I smiled widely and shook my head. "Maybe if you didn't make fun of me all the time.." I said and poked her. "Because you're a weird person" she says. "Shut up" I said. She smiles at me. Another silence between both of us. But Vanessa finished up in the bathroom. We heard the door open so we both quickly pulled away. Why did we both get scared? Who knows.

"Okay I'm ready" she says. "Okay. Bye Leah" I said. "Bye guys" she says and hugs Vanessa. Then she bends down and hugs Veronica tightly. "Love you miss Leah!"

"Love you too hun" she says. The cutest..

I'm driving and the music is kind of low. I hear Veronica playing games on my phone so she's distracted. Vanessa looked at me while driving and it was annoying me already.

"Whaaat" I complain. "You guys are acting the same way you did when you first started dating"

"Okay and? I'm being the best friend that she needs. She's going through some shit" I said. "So are you! Don't act like you're not. I know you and what you're doing is forgetting your own problems and putting others first."

"I'm fine. I'm happy. She needs someone and she's told me that I'm the only one who she trusts to spill out things she wouldn't just tell anyone."

"That's because you're her ex! You've seen sides of hers others haven't and I'm sure she's had rants like that to her past relationships. But she's not friends with any of her exes except you."

"Okay well.." I said and paused. I didn't know what else to say and just kept driving. I get Leah and why she tells me these things. But Vanessa is thinking way ahead. Thinking me and her are acting the way we did when we dated. Me and Leah told each other that were becoming friends and just that since we can't be together.

I mean we could be together but she's so stubborn and won't tell me why.

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