The auction

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: The auctionNotes:

Sorry I'm late, I been watching stranger things and finish season three

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this extraordinary evening," Gunnar Eversol spoke into a microphone positioned on a pallepalt.

Mills and Mr. Wu sat nearby, staring out at the audience of incredibly rich buyers.

They were illegally auctioning off the dinosaurs of Isla Nublar.

"Let's dive right in,"-he signalled some mercenaries to open two, large, sliding doors-"with Lot Number One."

A large cage was wheeled out, a confused and scared Ankylosaurus inside.

"The Ankylosaurus. This is a herbivorous quadruped animal from the Late Cretaceous," Eversol explained. "This is one of the largest armored dinosaurs, known by paleontologists as a 'living tank'".

The herbivore bellowed, tail swishing very slightly, as it looked out at all of the different people staring at it.

"I have $4 million dollars." Eversol looked out into the audience of buyers to see someone raise a piece of paper with a number on it.

He gave the buyer a slight nod. "Anyone with five? Five million, five million. Do I hear six?"
Mills watched the anxious herbivore before looking out into the audience. Several arms were raised to bid on the massive creature.

"Six million. Thank you. Any increase on six?" Eversol looked out again at the audience. "Seven. Seven million. Eight million. Nine million on the phone. Do I hear ten million?"

From the audience, a man raised his hand. "Ten!"

Mills smirked at the dinosaur inside the cage, who bellowed again, stomping its foot.

"Ten million. Once, twice..." Eversol slammed a gravel on the pallepalt. "Sold! To the gentleman from Indonesia. Congratulations."

As the Ankylosaurus' cage was wheeled back, the numbers on the screens on either side of the room, and Mills' tablet skyrocketed.

"Lot number two, ladies and gentlemen. The juvenile Allosaurus," the auctioneer introduced.

A cage holding the slate grey, pale yellow, and red animal was wheeled out to the buyers.

It roared angrily at Eversol, who flinched back with a smile.

"A fierce and aggressive predator," he commented, as the animal thrashed against its cage. It roared loudly, flexing its paws against its chest.

"Late Jurassic. Known by paleontologists as a 'different lizard' for its unique concave vertebrae," Eversol explained.

"Eleven million!" An Austrian woman shouted from the audience.

Eversol nodded to her.

More and more auction members began raising their hands to bid on the magnificent animal.

"Do I hear fourteen million? Fourteen! Thank you," Eversol nodded to another person. "And fifteen? Fifteen million?"
The Allosaurus roared loudly in fear and anger. It slammed against the cage again, looking around at the humans with enraged gold eyes.

"Sold! For fourteen million to the gentlemen from the state of Texas. Congratulations." Eversol slammed the gavel down again.

The audience clapped relentlessly, as the Allosaurus was once again wheeled away.

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