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The raptors get fed rats in the movie....or was it possums?

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Grady, armed with the clicker and a pack of beef liver, stood in the raptor paddock with his back to the sun. The fledglings, each now a foot tall, formed a half circle in front of him.

"Good stay, ladies!" Grady clicked the clicker. "All right, and we're off! Come! Come!"

Grady ran backwards, and the fledglings obediently trotted after him. Their top speeds was now up to 20 miles an hour, but they paced themselves to how fast Grady was running. Grady clicked the clicker. paused for a moment, the hand with the clicker held out in front of him—whoa. The raptors stopped, bouncing on their feet, talons clicking against the ground.

"Blue!" Grady said, and threw the raptor a piece of beef liver. "Charlie! Delta! Echo!"

The raptors choked down their beef liver, and bounced, their expectant faces looking up at Their father figure.


Delta was in her muzzle. Barry dabbed at the wound on her face—Charlie had taken a talon to Delta's face in a squabble. Grady had been there when it had happened, but you couldn't intervene in power struggles; it would disrupt the order of the pack. What he could do was see to Delta's wounds. Infection could kill.

"How's my girl?" Grady asked, patting Delta's neck.

Barry showed Grady the cloth he was using; it was stained rust-colored. Grady flinched, and gave Delta another pat. Barry brought out a fresh cloth, smeared some antibacterial cream on it, and pressed it to Delta's wound.

"She'll be okay. Just food, rest and she'll be back on her feet." Barry said.

"That's good to hear." Owen comments.


Full grown raptors can run up to 30 miles

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