Leaving home

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A few minutes later when a shrill bark split the silence of the humid night. Delta and echo had fallen from the battlefield and blue was the only one left, so Clare let the t-rex loose.

Blue, having pushed herself to her feet, began to dash towards the quarrel, letting out a loud, deafening war whoop, pouncing onto the white dinosaur's back.

Not even her jagged teeth could reach and puncture the grey and blue Velociraptor's hide, unlike how Echo and Delta were so easy to shake off and kill.

While Blue distracted their opponent, the Tyrannosaurus Rex managed to regain her footing, viciously clamping down onto the hybrid's neck.

The Indominus Rex made loud, shrill, yelps, as she was thrown into the Margaritaville building.

Blue hopped from the Indominus Rex to the Tyrannosaurus Rex's back, staying clear of the broken glass, debris, and embers. She gave a wail of pain, being flung into the Jurassic Gifts gift shop through the window. Shards of glass cut her body, as she swiftly stood up, ignoring the startled humans, including Owen, next to her. She instantly jumped to her feet, and raced back outside and rejoined the battle.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex shoved the hybrid dinosaur into another building, debris getting stabbed into her hide. Blue jumped off and onto the ground before launching herself at the white beast's face with a shrill scream. She slashed at her with blood coated talons, and bit at her face with blood-stained teeth, snarling.

The stronger, older, Rex tried to bite at her neck, holding her head downwards, as the hybrid managed to throw the Velociraptor off.

The young female slammed into a lamp post, yelping. She staggered to her feet, shaking her body free from dirt and debris.

The female dinosaur witnessed the Tyrannosaurus Rex shove the Indominus Rex into the electric fence surrounding the Jurassic World Lagoon. The bloody hybrid stood up, shaking her head.

Blue stepped towards them until she was standing next to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. She opened her mouth, claws outstretched, letting out another banshee-like cry, which was drowned out by the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Indominus Rex's roars.

A large, bulky body covered in slate gray scales, a long, pointed, muzzle and flippers, threw herself onto the land, clamping her oversized jaws down around the white beast's throat.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex and Blue went quiet.

The bronze, scarred, Rex stepped back and, soon, the Velociraptor did too, giving a soft warble, as the white dinosaur wailed in panic, begging them for their help, as the giant Mosasaurus threw herself backwards into the water, taking the wailing albino dinosaur down with her. A bellowing roar erupted from the aquatic animal's mouth, as she forcefully drowned the white beast. The water turned red, as blood filled the enclosed lagoon.

Rexy and Blue faced each other. The smaller carnivore felt very intimidated by her size and jaws. She stepped back in submission, letting a soft warble escape her bloody maw, hopeful that the old animal would see as a friend not foe.

The much larger animal rumbled before turning around, stomping off in the opposite direction, her bruised and battered body needing a long, hard, break. One of the massive dinosaur's short arms dangled from injury, possibly when she was slammed against the ground by the Indominus, as a truce was formed between them. Unless the smaller dinosaur got in her way. Despite her previous horrible encounter with Velociraptors, this one seemed different. She didn't attack like how she thought. Instead, she helped. She saved her life. And she was very grateful for that.

Blue watched her walk off before turning her head around to face the humans. Her eyes focused on Owen as he took a step forward. She blinked and tilted her head to the side, as he made a gesture with his own. The message was clear.

She couldn't stay with him. He was unable to take care of her any longer....plus the cops were on there way.

She clicked, almost dolphin-like, very sad at her Alpha and caretaker's choice. With one, last, look at her Alpha, the female Velociraptor sprinted away, unable to look back at him without wanting to follow after him like how she did when she was a tiny chick.

"She'll be okay."

"Come on Owen, the boat is waiting."


I have seen this fight at least 50 times, so hopefully I gotten everything right.

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